
State Assessment Results Reading and Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Writing

Published: 8/22/2024 11:13 AM

​​​​Kentucky’s accountability system has students at its center, ensuring they are well-rounded, postsecondary ready and prepared with knowledge, skills and essential dispositions to successfully pursue the pathway of their choice after graduating from high school. State Assessment Results in Reading and Math, and State Assessment Results in Science, Social Studies, and Writing are two of the indicators used to measure the achievement of students, schools, and districts in Kentucky’s accountability system. ​

​​State Assessment Results in Reading and Mathematics​​

State Assessment Results in Reading and Mathematics proficiency is defined as reaching the desired level of knowledge and skills as measured on state required academic assessments in reading and mathematics. 

  • This indicator is reported in elementary, middle, and high school levels.

  • It is designed to measure student achievement on Kentucky's Academic Standards Assessments in reading and mathematics.

  • The overall Accountability Weights for State Assessment Results in Reading and Mathematics:

    • Elementary Schools 51%

    • Middle Schools 46%

    • ​High Schools 45%

​State Assessment Results in Science, Social Studies and Writing

S​tate Assessment Results in Science, Social Studies, and Writing proficiency is defined as reaching the desired level of knowledge and skills as measured on state required academic assessments in science, social studies, and writing.

  • This indicator is reported in elementary, middle, and high school levels.

  • It is designed to measure student achievement on Kentucky's Academic Standards Assessment in science, social studies, and writing.

  • When assessing the writing component of this indicator, students will be assessed in the areas of on-demand writing and editing/mechanics.

  • The overall Accountability Weights for State Assessment Results in Science, Social Studies and Writing:

    • Elementary Schools 40%

    • Middle Schools 45%

    • High Schools 20% 

Schools are rated based on student performance levels, Novice (0 points); Apprentice (.5 points); Proficient (1 point), Distinguished (1.25 points). Student performance is generated from the Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) and the Alternate KSA . The performance on state indicators is combined using the amounts in the Overall Accountability Weights table to generate an overall performance.

Student performance will be aggregated to school, district, and state levels. For each state indicator, there are five Status Levels, ranging from very high to very low and five Change Levels, ranging from increased significantly to declined significantly. Indicator color ratings are based on the combination of Status and Change using a 5 X 5 table.​​

Results will be reported in the online School Report Card including disaggregation of individual student group data and reported-only measures. Individual student reports will be issued to parents/guardians.

 Visit the Accountability and the Development of School Accountability System pages for more information on Kentucky's Accountability System.

KDE DAC Information
Office of Assessment and Accountability
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4394

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