

Published: 8/6/2024 10:31 AM


MAF District Assurance 2024-2​​​​025

The Mathematics Achievement Fund District Assurance document​ provides a brief background of the MAF grant, identifies specific requirements of the grant, outlines role of the mathematics coach, the building principal and the MAF team to provide guidance for professional learning, assessments, reporting,​​ and funding. 

Any violation of the mentioned criteria could result in partial or complete loss of funding for the Mathematics Achievement Fund. 

Infinite Campus Intervention Tab Resources 

All students serviced by Mathematics Achievement Fund (MAF) ​will be required to use the Intervention and Assessment Tab in Infinite Campus for the 2023-24 school year. For more information, see the following Intervention Tab​ and the Assessment Tab​ on how to upload/input data into Infinite Campus.  

Mathematics Coach and/or a KyMTSS Team Member will fill out these fields only for the Intervention Tab​: ​
  • Type of intervention (MAF) 
  • Intervention content area (Math) 
  • Start date/end date 
  • Materials Code 1: Choose the code for the school's intervention program, if not listed, use the code Other Math Intervention Resource: 3333 
  • Tier of instruction (2 or 3) 
  • Duration of intervention: minutes of intervention 
  • Frequency of intervention: how many times per week 
  • Comments box (only use if student moved schools​
Classroom teachers with whom the Mathematics Coach is working will fill out these fields only for the Intervention Tab: 
  • Type of intervention (MAF) 
  • Intervention content area (Math) 
  • Tier of instruction (1)
Mathematics Coach, Classroom Teacher, and/or District Assessment Coordinator will fill out these fields only for the Assessment Tab​: 
  • Student Last Name 
  • SSID 
  • Date 
  • Numbers and Operations Date 
  • Numbers and Operations Percentile 
  • Numbers and Operations Raw Score 
  • Numbers and Operation in Algebra Date 
  • Numbers and Operations in Algebra Percentile 
  • Numbers and Operations in Algebra Raw Score ​
  • School Number 
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) will pull data on October 30, January 30 and May 30. Records must be updated by those dates. 

MAF Math Coaching Grant Amendment Form 

Please use the MAF Math Coaching Grant Amendment Form developed by the Kentucky Department of Education, if you need to submit an amendment to your MAF grant awarded proposal.  

MAF Mini Grant District Assurance 2024-2025 

The Mathematics Achievement Fund Mini Grant District Assurance​ document provides funding for purchase of materials needed for modification of instruction (tier one, tier two and/or tier three) in mathematics and pay for extended time or release time for teachers to engage in professional learning of the new mathematics materials purchased. Therefore, a district/school shall use funding to purchase instructional materials for mathematics (including intervention programs and diagnostic assessments) that are High-Quality Instructional Resources​ (HQIR), which the KDE defines as being: 
  • Aligned to the KAS for Mathematics​
  • Research-based and/or externally validated;  
  • Comprehensive to include engaging texts (books, multimedia, etc.), tasks and assessments;  
  • Based on fostering vibrant student learning experiences; 
  • Culturally relevant, free from bias; and  ​
  • Accessible for all students. ​

Annual Evaluation 

Per KRS 158.844, the Kentucky Board of Education administrative regulations shall “establish the minimum annual evaluation process for each grant recipient.” High-Quality Instructional Resources are not just for teachers; they are critical for student success. Students deserve access to standards-aligned instructional resources and grade-level assignments to help them reach the intended learning outcomes within the KAS. Research demonstrates a positive link between high-quality professional learning (HQPL), teaching practices and student outcomes. Evaluating the initial effectiveness of the newly purchased mathematics program will include the following: 

Any violation of the mentioned criteria could result in partial or complete loss of funding for the Mathematics Achievement Fund.​

MAF Mini Grant Amendment Form  

Please use the MAF Mini Grant Amendment Fo​rm developed by the Kentucky Department of Education, if you need to submit an amendment to your MAF grant awarded proposal.  

Please contact with any questions. 

MAF Links

MAF Timeline

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