The General Assembly continues to allow flexibility in the use of school district capital funds without forfeiting the district’s eligibility to participate in the School Facilities Construction Commission (SFCC) program. To exercise that flexibility, a district must submit a Capital Funds Request (CFR) electronically through e-mail to Sarah Tandy, at the Kentucky Department of Education, Division of District Support, in order for proper processing to occur. Due date for CFR forms is May 30th.
The following guidelines and instructions detail the procedures applicable to all Kentucky Public School Districts regarding a Capital Funds Request.
Examples of a FY YTD Budget Report from the MUNIS system and instructions on how to generate the report are provided below. If a district plans to use additional nickels that are not recorded on its FY SEEK Calculation Report toward a FY CFR, then the district is required to submit its FY YTD Budget Report with a FY CFR form to KDE that shows the additional nickels’ Revised Budget. Also, if a district plans to use a significant amount of interest earned from its Capital Outlay Funds (Fund 310) and/or Building Funds (Fund 320) toward a FY CFR, then KDE staff may request the district’s FY YTD Budget Report that shows the YTD Actual available interest earned.
An example of a FY YTD Project Budget Report from the MUNIS system is provided below and instructions on how to generate the report is located on the MUNIS Support and Guides webpage at under the General Ledger & Statewide Reports section. If a district plans to use residual funds from a closed project, available funds as a result of the 1st revised BG-1 that conforms to the bid, or a significant amount of interest earned from its Construction Fund (Fund 360) toward a FY CFR, then the district’s FY YTD Project Budget Report will need to be submitted with the CRF that shows the Project to Date available balances.
The Capital Funds Request Summary Report is located below. It lists the school districts' names and amounts that were approved by KDE to use capital funds.
Please forward Capital Funds Request questions to the following KDE Representatives: CFR submission process – Sheila Miller (502)-564-3846 ext.4402; and Facilities and BG-1 reviews - Greg Dunbar at or and Facilities and BG-1 reviews - Greg Dunbar at or
(502) 564-4326, ext. 4429.