District/School Support

Enterprise ERP (MUNIS) Support and Guides

Published: 6/6/2024 4:39 PM


​Enterprise ERP (MUNIS) is the financial software package used in all Kentucky school districts. Instructions and explanations to allow for consistent reporting of required school district financial information are provided. 

Select from the drop down menu below to access guides by category. Arrow pointing to guides

System and Cloud Administration
Alternate Connections to Enterprise ERPEnterprise ERP Guide - Provides users with instructions for connecting to the Cloud from within or outside the district's intranet.
EERP User Accounts (MSA-6)Enterprise ERP (MUNIS) Guide - Provides instructions on adding Munis users and user account maintenance.
Enterprise ERP (MUNIS) Cloud System District Operations GuideEnterprise ERP (MUNIS) Guide - Describes the operations districts must complete to maintain the MUNIS Cloud System, and the avenues available to access Tyler and KDE Support.
Enterprise ERP Support ContactsEnterprise ERP Support Contacts - Provides various support contact numbers.
Enterprise ERP System Administration (MSA-1)Enterprise ERP (MUNIS) Guide - Provides instructions in basic system administration including setting up Munis users and basic settings.
KY Cloud File TransferEnterprise ERP (MUNIS) Guide - Describes the cloud program that allows users to download and upload cloud files from a user's workstation or shared drive.
Role Maintenance in EERP (MSA-7)Enterprise ERP (MUNIS) Guide - Provides instructions on adding MUNIS users roles and role maintenance.

​Office of Education Technology
Division of School Technology
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-2020
Fax (502) 564-1519

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