The following vendors hold KETS Instructional Device contracts that are available to be used for by the K-12 public Districts and Schools within the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Below is purchasing information provided by the contract holders and contract information. Specific questions about products, pricing and ordering information should be directed to the appropriate vendor contact.
You can find more information on the KETS Products and Technical Standards page.
Specifications can be found in the KETS Workstation Architectural Standard.pdf document.
Guidelines can be found in the (Document is being updated) document.
Contract#: MA-758-2100000423
For information contact: Johnathan Gross, Account Executive, (502) 341-3694, Email:,
For e-quotes & online ordering visit: Dell's KETS Contract website
For warranty service visit: Dell Support
Dell Sales Agent(s):
Brett Kiser, VP of Sales, Phone: (859) 466-4092, Email:
Kendall Kassinger, Account Manager, Phone: (502) 641-1624, Email:
Steve Puckett, Account Manager, Phone: (502) 382-7440, Email:
Inside Account Managers (quotes, orders):
Ann Scott, Inside Sales Support, Phone: (513) 493-4712, Email:
Hans Roedig, Inside Sales Support, Phone: (513) 493-4626, Email:
JoAnn Geiman, Inside Sales Support, Phone: (513) 493-4901, Email:
Mike Phelps, Account Manager, Phone: (859) 721-1530, Mobile: (859) 983-0173, Email:
Inside Account Manager (quotes, orders):
Caitlin Burpee, Phone: (502) 271-2131, Mobile: (231) 903-5301, Email:
Dell Instructional Device Contract Category Discounts off MSRP:
- Enterprise Desktops-11.5%
- Enterprise Laptops-11.5%
- Maintenance/Warranty Support-0%
- Enterprise Tablets-11.5%
- Monitors-11.5%
- Accessories-3%
- Installation/Initial Configuration-0%
- Services- 11.5%
Dell Instructional Device Contract
Effective Date: 10/01/2020Expiration Date: 9/30/2026Final Expiration date after renewals: 09/30/2028
Hewlett Packard
Contract#: MA-758-2100000418
For information contact: Jerome Gabryszewski, Account Executive (505) 415-7120, Email:
For e-quotes & online ordering visit: HP KETS Instructional Device Contract website
Hewlett Packard Sales & Service Agent(s):
Trafera (formally known as FireFly Computers):
Amanda Wehland, Contract Manager (612) 213-2957, Email:
For quotes & orders: Ryan Lapadat (651) 400-1042, Email:
Prosys Information Systems, Inc.:
Amber Bockus, Account Manager (256) 762-4562, Email:
For quotes and orders: Tricia Wilson (859) 887-8326, Email:
Riverside Technologies, Inc.:
Brett Clark, Account Manager (866) 804-4388, ext. 1403, Email:
For quotes & orders: Brian Miller, (866) 804-4388, ext. 1171, Email:
HP Instructional Device Contract Category Discounts off MSRP:
HP Instructional Device Contract
Effective Date: 10/01/2020
Expiration Date: 9/30/2026
Final Expiration date after renewals: 9/30/2028
Contract#: MA-758-2100000421
Go to Lenovo KETS Instructional Device Contract Web site for e-quotes & online ordering: No Website Available
For Warranty Service call:
Standard Support: (877) 453-6686 (N-Series – Press 1, Think Series – Press 2) or visit Lenovo PC Support
Enhanced Support (Purchased separately with device): (800) 250-6085, or email:
Lenovo Sales & Service Agent:
Rich McLean, Account Manager, Phone: (866) 668-9495, Email:
For quotes and orders: Rich McLean, Account Manager, Phone: (866) 668-9495, Email:
Lenovo Instructional Device Contract Category Discounts off MSRP:
- Enterprise Desktops-32%
- Enterprise Laptops-32%
- Maintenance/Warranty Support-18%
- Enterprise Tablets-3%
- Monitors-5%
- Accessories-20%
- Installation/Initial Configuration-0%
- Services-0%
Lenovo Instructional Device Contract
Effective Date: 10/01/2020
Expiration Date: 9/30/2026
Final Expiration date after renewals: 09/30/2028
Contract#: MA-758-2100000422
For all contract related issues contact:
Account Executive, Ashlea Turner (Interim), Phone: (469) 682-8295, Email:
Account Technology Strategist, Humza Yasin, Phone: (817) 903-9386, Email:
Customer Success Account Manager, Derek Browders, Phone: (615) 585-2148, Email:
Send orders to: (see below for online ordering)
For Warranty Service and Surface Support go to the Microsoft Surface Support page or call (800) 642-7676 and follow the prompts as follows: say Business for customer type, then say Technical Support, and for Technical Support say More Options and then Surface. This will get you to a representative that will be able to assist you with your hardware support needs.
Microsoft Sales Agent's:
For information contact: Lucas Ritchie, (N/A), Email: or
Microsoft Instructional Device Contract Category Discounts off MSRP:
- Enterprise Desktops- N/A
- Enterprise Laptops- 3%
- Maintenance/Warranty Support -0%
- Enterprise Tablets-3%
- Monitors-0%
- Accessories-0%
- Installation/Initial Configuration-0%
- Services-0%
Microsoft Instructional Device Contract
Effective Date: 10/01/2020
Expiration Date: 09/30/2026
Final Expiration date after renewals: 09/30/2028
Office of Education Technology
Division of School Technology Planning and Project Management
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-2020
Fax (502) 564-1519