Educators Rising Kentucky, formerly known as Future Educators of America (FEA), is the Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for middle and high school students interested in the field of education-related careers. As the state affiliate, Educators Rising Kentucky partners with Phi Delta Kappa to create a national network helping students build resources and create connections that can significantly impact educational opportunities through co-curricular and extracurricular activities. For more information check out our Educators Rising Kentucky webpage.
Educators Rising is transforming how America develops aspiring teachers. Starting with high school students, Educators Rising provides passionate young people with hands-on teaching experience, sustains their interest in the profession, and helps them cultivate the skills they need to be successful educators. The result is a pipeline of accomplished teachers who are positioned to make a lasting difference — not only in the lives of their students, but also more broadly in the field of teaching.
Through local chapter or individual membership, Educators Rising Kentucky students have opportunities to participate in projects that assist and recognize educator practices through local, state, and national conferences as well as performance-based competitions. Learn more about how you can advance great teaching at the national Educators Rising site. Find resources to start and support your local chapter by registering on the Member Portal.
2022-23 Teacher Leader Workshop (hosted 7/27/22)