Educator Development and Equity

Principal Partnership Project (P3)

Published: 8/8/2024 7:39 AM
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​What is the Principal Partnership Project (P3)?

The vision of the Principal Partnership Project (P3) and Assistant Principal Partnership Project (AP3) is to support and develop KY public school principals and assistant principals in order to better equip KY schools with effective school leaders.  Personalized support is provided, as well as quality professional learning and networking opportunities across the state.  If you are searching for engaging and inspiring professional learning that enables you to connect with colleagues, P3 and AP3 is for you. 

If you are interested in receiving informational emails about upcoming learning opportunities offered, please click here to join the P3/AP3 Mailing List.  


Learning and Networking Opportunities:

  • Initial Certified Eva​​luation Training: This 12-hour virtual/remote learning session is designed for all new evaluators of certified personnel.  This training is mandated by 704 KAR 3:370 and is exclusively offered by KDE's Principal Partnership Project (P3) team for any school or district administrator new to the role of evaluating certified staff. EILA credit is provided. Training dates and registration information may be found by clicking here.
  • Update Evalu​ation ​Training: 6-hour training for experienced evaluators of certified personnel.  Per KRS 156.557 and 704 KAR 3:370, evaluators of certified personnel must earn six hours of evaluation training, annually.  
  • KY PSEL Guidance & Resources for Principal and Assistant Principal growth and effectiveness.
  • EdCamp: For Principals, By Principals. This is a yearly opportunity to connect and grow with other leaders around topics you determine to be important. View the most recent sessions grid when you visit this page.
  • Coach Approach for Principals: Each year, principals may apply for a scholarship to attend intensive coaching training.  The past two cohorts have participated in Cognitive Coaching. Follow-up and embedded learning opportunities around coaching in different contexts, provided by the P3 Leadership Team, round out this exceptional learning experience.

Please feel free to contact any member of the P3 Team for more information!​


Principal Partnership Project P3 logo

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