
Work-Based Learning

Published: 2/17/2025 4:24 PM

​​​Work-Based Learning Manual 

​Click the image to go to the Work-Based Learning Manu​al

​Work-Based Learning Manua​l

The Work-Based Learning Manual is a collaborative effort to provide all stakeholders with information on various types of work-based learning such as job shadowing, mentoring, service learning, entrepreneurship programs, school-based enterprises, internship, cooperative education and youth-apprenticeship opportunities. In addition, the manual includes an overview of legal issues and structural guidance for implementing work-based learning at a school level. The Work-Based Learning Resource Pagehas downloadable sampl​e forms and promotional infographics to help document and advertise your work-based learning opportunities.​

For specific course code information on WBL opportunities in career pathways, please refer to the Program of S​tudies.

​The Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES) program regulation (11 KAR 15:090) has been modified to specify that only CTE pathway approved cooperative education courses may count as more than one course for purposes of satisfying yearly KEES curriculum requirements. Work-based learning opportunities not approved for and connected to CTE career pathways, may only count as one course towards KEES curriculum requirements.

Tina Brogli
Office of Career and Technical Education
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4286
Fax (502) 564-4800

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