The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has a cross-agency coordinated data governance structure to promote data quality, appropriate data use, and data security. KDE publishes aggregated data to give stakeholders information on performance of public schools and a variety of education characteristics in Kentucky. The primary sites to view and access Kentucky's education data are KDE Open House and the School Report Card Suite.
KDE Data Governance Team
KDE's data governance team has representation from each KDE office and is led by Chief Data Officer DeDe Conner. The team is responsible for approval of new data collections, changes to existing data collections, and training and direction to data stewards.
Office of Assessment and Accountability
Michael Prater
Kevin Hill
Office of Career & Technical Education
Amy Tracy
Esti Stith
- Claude Christian
Office of the Commissioner
- Abigail Jacob
- Shravanthi Raghavapuram
Office of Continuous Improvement and Support
Windy Spalding
Margalee Conlee
Office of Educator Licensure and Effectiveness
Office of Education Technology
Office of Finance and Operations
Jessica Carlton
Josh Whitlow
Laura Loman
Office of Legal Services
- Haley Williams
- Todd Allen
Office of Special Education and Early Learning
- Amy Patterson
- Matt Coffey
Office of Teaching and Learning
- Caryn Davidson
- Tania Arnett