Targeted Support and Improvement

Targeted Support and Improvement

Published: 12/8/2023 10:38 AM

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) will annually identify schools for Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) as a required element of the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSSA) and  KRS 160.346.

Identification Criteria Fall 2023:​​

Schools will be identified for ​TSI if they have one or more of the same subgroups performing as poorly as all students in any of the lowest performing 5% of Title I schools or non-Title I schools by level (elementary, middle or high school) based on the 2021-22 and 2022-23 data only due to Covid-19 Waivers.

Upon identification, TSI schools must revise their Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) to include components of turnaround leadership development and support, the identification of critical resource inequities, evidence-based interventions, and any additional actions that address the causes of consistently underper​forming subgroups of students. Revised CSIPs must be approved by the local board of education. Local Educational Agencies (LEAs [the district]) must monitor and provide support to TSI/ATSI schools.

Schools will be identified for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) every three years. During an identification year, schools that were identified for TSI in the immediately preceding year and have one or more subgroups performing as poorly as all students in the lowest performing 5% of Title I schools or non-Title I schools by level will be identified for ATSI. The next ATSI identification year will be 2025-26.​

​   2023-24 Entrance and Exit Criteria

   TSI Webinar

   TSI and ATSI Improvement Plan Requirements

   SBDM Council Implications for CSI and TSI Schools

​   TSI School Roster​​​​

   Identification Timeline

Hub Schools

District 180 in the Office of Continuous Improvement and Support has recognized two previous Priority Schools for their work in improving student learning and building core processes for sustainability. Based on data, monitoring visits, and monitoring tools, selected schools have shown results of exponentially more students being College or Career Ready. Previously identified in Kentucky as Priority or Persistently Low Achieving (PLA) schools, Hub Schools have developed aligned systems that focus on continuous improvement.

The purpose of each Hub School is to capture its own best or promising practices based on data and results and to connect with other schools in their region. Hub Schools will be a lab of support and hub of learning activity for both students and adults. In addition, they will be knowledgeable of the promising/best practices from other Priority Schools to strengthen connections and to address multiple needs within their geographical area.

Visit a Hub School

In an effort to provide comprehensive support based on identified needs, a collaborative approach to school improvement will be offered to schools and districts. The process will begin with a planning conversation between school/district leadership and KDE's Hub school representative to determine appropriate strategies. Additionally, this process will include tailoring the work to fit a particular context. During the visit, participants will observe and discuss the systems for continuous improvement that have been implemented and have resulted in sustained accomplishments at each school. Following the visit, additional coaching and support can be scheduled to enhance improvement efforts including:

  • Professional Learning Communities (In-person and Asynchronous)
  • Effective Leadership Teams
  • Models for Effective Co-teaching
  • Leveraging Digital Platforms for Real-time Curriculum Mapping
  • Culture – A Cornerstone for School Turnaround
  • Systematic Distance and Hybrid Learning

We invite you to connect with a Hub School. Come hear and see shared best and promising practices. The Kentucky Hub Schools are Pulaski County High School and Franklin-Simpson High School.

    Franklin-Simpson High School

      Contact: Donna Bumps​, KDE Educational Recovery Leader, Franklin-Simpson High School

   Pulaski County High School

      Contact: Todd Tucker​, KDE Educational Recovery Leader, Pulaski County High School​

​Ruth Swanson
Office of Continuous Improvement and Support
Division of School and Program Improvement
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-2116 Ext. 4023
Fax (502) 564-7820
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