OET Service Catalog

Install Files

Published: 8/2/2022 3:55 AM

This section is devoted to install files that will assist our State CIOs, District Technology Coordinators, and other district tech staff in managing Active Directory and live@edu. 
If you need the 32-bit KETS ADUC .msi install file or the 64-bit KETS ADUC .msi install file please contact the Kets Service Desk at  ketshelp@education.ky.gov


Just as an assistant can help you manage your paper mail, your assistant can use Outlook to act on your behalf: receiving and responding to email, meeting requests, and meeting responses. You can also grant additional permissions that allow your delegate to read, create, or have full control over items in your mailbox. 
Below is the Word document which contains instructions on granting delegate access.
This information is located on the Administration and Install Guides page as well.



For instructions on configuring your mobile device to work with Live@edu, please see the document below.
This information is located on the Administration and Install Guides page as well.

​Brian Spellman
Office of Education Technology
Division of School Technology
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-2020 ext. 2204
Fax (502) 564-1519
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