
Patrice McCrary

Published: 8/2/2022 3:57 AM

Supreme Court District 2

Patrice McCrary of Bowling Green is a retired kindergarten teacher who was named the 2003 Kentucky Teacher of the Year.

She spent 26 of her 31 years in education at Cumberland Trace Elementary School (Warren County) before retiring in 2019. She was named the Kentucky Teacher of the Year in 2003 and was inducted into the Kentucky Teacher Hall of Fame in 2008 and into the National Teachers Hall of Fame in 2009.

McCrary, a National Board-certified teacher, began her teaching career in Fort Worth, Texas.

McCrary holds a bachelor's degree in elementary education from Blue Mountain College and a master's degree in education from Western Kentucky University.

She is a graduate of Pontotoc High School in Pontotoc, Miss. McCrary's term expires April 14, 2024.

KBE SPOTLIGHT | Education was Patrice McCrary’s ‘yellowbrick road’

Patrice McCrary with students 

Patrice McCrary, a member of the Kentucky Board of Education, watches a student display his work in computer programming during a visit to Jennings Creek Elementary School (Warren County). McCrary said she wants to spend as much time as possible in Kentucky’s schools, looking for things they’re doing well that can be replicated in other schools.
Photo by Morgan Watson, Jan. 31, 2020

Patrice McCreary Picture

Who is your favorite teacher and why?

“My 5th-grade teacher, Miss Donaldson, was my favorite teacher. I was nervous when I discovered I had been assigned to her class. She had a reputation of being the ‘mean’ teacher. She proved to be far from that. She was strict and had high expectations but she loved her students.
“She was my champion that school year. She noticed if something was out of the ordinary and did not hesitate to contact parents to see what was going on and how to take care of it. She knew what happened beyond the school walls was as important as what happened within them. She was a relationship builder. It was because of Miss Donaldson that I saw the difference a teacher can make in a child’s life. I wanted to become a difference maker.”


What was your favorite subject in school and why?

“Reading and social studies were my top favorites. I could step into any world through the world of reading and through social studies. I learned about the world I wanted to experience.”


​Taylor Perry
Executive Administrative Secretary
Office of the Commissioner of Education
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 892-6174 Ext. 4851
Fax (502) 564-5680

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