What is Persistence to Graduation?
The Kentucky
Department of Education (KDE) provides a variety of supports to schools and
districts to identify students who may be off-track for College and Career
Readiness, promotion, and/or on-time graduation and provide interventions to
support students until they earn a diploma. The Persistence to Graduation team, within the Division of Student Success, provides technical assistance and professional learning grounded in evidence, mindful communication, and inclusivity for school communities as they build healthy climate and cultures that supports equity for all students as they persist towards academic and social success.
Technical assistance and support is available in the following areas of dropout prevention:
1) Early Warning and Persistence to Graduation Data Tools - data tools that provide a comprehensive view of student success.
2) Insights - a new module in Infinite Campus that makes it easier to use data, filter by groups, and see student information with a focus on warning indicators.
3) Chronic Absenteeism - understanding what the barriers are to student attendance and implementing strategies to address absenteeism.