School Improvement

Chronic Absenteeism

Published: 2/17/2025 2:22 PM

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Attendance Matters picture​​

What is Chronic Absenteeism and How Does It Impact Students and Schools? ​​​​​​

Kentucky defines chronic absenteeism as missing 10 percent or more of the enrolled academic year for any reason (excused and unexcused). That means a student missing 2 days per month of school over the course of a school year results in being chronically absent. This differs from truancy which counts only unexcused absences and tardies. When students miss school, they miss out on learning, friendships, and so many other opportunities. ​

Attendance Matters Fact Sheet ​ ​ ​


​For Families: How can I help m​y student with regular attendance?

You and Your Child Matter

When to keep your child home from school or child care (American Academy of Pediatrics)​

Helping with anxiety (Attendance Works)

For Educators: How can I help promote attendance in my school and district?

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) provides a variety of supports to schools and districts to identify students who may become chronically absent. Communicating with stakeholders is one of the first important steps in ensuring a strong attendance culture. Customizable resources that districts and school leaders can personalize with local content and branding for communication with stakeholders are available in the Chronic Absenteeism Toolkit.

Chronic Absenteeism Toolkit ​ ​  

​​​​​​Informational Handouts

Chronic Absenteeism at a Glance

One-Page Overview of Strategies for Educators (adapted from Attendance Works)​

​For Community Leaders: How can we help promote school attendance in our community?

For Business Leaders (Attendance Works)

For Mayors and City Leaders (Attendance Works)

10 Steps Communities Can Take to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism (Attendance Works)​

Kentucky Data Tools and Resources

Chronic Absenteeism Frequently Asked Questions

Attendance data for monitoring and intervention can be found on the Persistence to Graduation and Early Warning Tools page.

Infinite Campus Chronic Absenteeism Report Quick Reference Card

Overview Video of Early Warning and Insights for Chronic Absenteeism: EdTech ​Webcast

​Infinite Campus Transient Student Population Report Quick Reference Card​​​

KDE Pupil Attendance Program Documents

Health and Attendance Downloadable Resources

​​​Am I too Sick for School or Work?, Kentucky Public Health

Attendance Works - Health Guidance for Going to School - English Version

Attendance Works - Health Guidance for Going to School - Spanish Version​

​​Attendance Works Health Handouts for Families

​​Attendance Works - When is Sick too Sick for School?

School Attendance​​, American Academy of Pediatrics

School Health Toolkit Disease Defender Kit, Kentucky Public Health​

When to Keep Your Child Home Sick from School​,

When Students or Staff are Sick​, Children and Preparedness


​The​ webinars below were developed pre-pandemic in 2019 to help educators with strategies related to chronic absenteeism and sense of belonging. The data on chronic absenteeism has changed post-pandemic, but the strategies in these resources continue to be relevant.

Ending Chronic Absenteeism in Kentucky - Part 1 Webinar and Ending Chronic Absenteeism in Kentucky - Part 1 Transcript

Addressing Chronic Absenteeism in Kentucky - Part 2 Webinar and Addressing Chronic Absenteeism in Kentucky - Part 2 Transcript

Improving a Sense of Belonging - Part 3 Webinar and Improving a Sense of Belonging - Part 3 Transcript

​Request for Assistance and/or Training

Schools and districts seeking assistance from the Division of Student Success can complete the Request for Assistance and/or​ Training​. A program consultant will respond in a timely fashion when the request has been submitted.​

​​Judi Vanderhaar, PhD
Office of Continuous Improvement and Support
Division of Student Success
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4772 Ext. 4044
Fax (502) 564-7820
​​Ronda Devine
Office of Finance and Operations​
Division of District Support
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-5279
Fax (502) 564-6771

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