Targeted Interventions

Targeted Interventions

Published: 3/5/2025 9:45 AM
​​Students must receive highly effective, culturally responsive, evidence-based, developmentally appropriate instruction within the general education classroom (or the core instruction). Highly effective teaching occurring in the classroom would include differentiation to help address the academic needs of students. That differentiation could happen in various ways but would employ strategies that allow the teacher to best address the needs of the students.

Targeted interventions are planned, carefully considered interventions that occur when students do not meet grade level expectations (i.e., benchmarks) that are necessary for academic progress. Ideally, schools would use Universal Screener data (that can be triangulated with other student assessment data) to make informed decisions regarding student interventions. If a student is behind grade level expectations (i.e., benchmarks), then the student would be selected for intervention services.
Diagnostic assessment data is a necessary next step to determine individual students’ needs. Diagnostic screening would indicate what specific skills/ content a student has not mastered so targeted intervention could occur.

Targeted Interventions could occur in several different areas and for various reasons.

Extended School Services (ES​S)​The Extended School Services (ESS) program is a proactive program designed to assist individual students with difficulty in one or more content areas. 

Please contact Gerald Brashear with any questions. 

Targeted Transitional Interventions: For students who do not meet high school and college readiness benchmarks, the regulation requires that those students take a transitional course or are provided with intervention services that are monitored for remediation needs. The intent is to help students meet college readiness benchmarks before high school graduation, so they do not have to take remedial or developmental courses in college.
Kentucky's Multi-Tiered System of Supports (KyMTSS):  Students’ progress in Pres​chool through grade 12 should be consistently monitored and reviewed to ensure they meet grade level academic and social-emotional behavioral expectations. If high-quality classroom instruction and evidence-based behavioral and/or social-emotional supports, complete with differentiation and/or grade level benchmark assessments do not result in the student subsequently meeting grade level expectations, then there should be a well-planned, organized system of intervention in place to help address the student’s needs.

Please email the Standards team if you have any questions.​

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