Career and Technical Education End of Program Assessments

Career and Technical Education End-of-Program Assessments

Published: 2/17/2025 3:43 PM

​​Career and Technical Education End-of-Program (CTE EOP) Assessment for Articulated Credit is one measure of career readiness as a postsecondary readiness indicator for Kentucky’s accountability system. CTE EOP Assessments are state developed assessments based upon clear and concise standards identified by Kentucky employers, aligned with CTE career pathways and associated with statewide articulation agreements with postsecondary partners.

Other Resources and Information

District Assessment Coordinators Communications

OCTE distributes critical CTE Assessment (End-of-Program (EOP), TRACK Pre-Apprenticeship Assessment) information via the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) DAC Communications through the Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA). Refer to DAC Communications regularly for the latest updates.


Critical Deadlines

The CTE EOP Assessment testing window for 2024-2025 is February 24- March 28. Schools MUST meet CRITICAL DEADLINES for students to test.


CTE End-of-Program (CTE EOP) Assessment Coordinator and Test Administrator Manuals

This manual describes procedures that district and school CTE EOP Assessment coordinators must follow before, during and after administration of the assessment.

    Part I provides detailed information on the responsibilities of the CTE EOP Assessment coordinator.

    Part II provides information needed by individuals involved in the administration and proctoring of CTE EOP Assessment.


Assessment Regulations Training

All individuals participating in the administration of CTE EOP Assessment shall comply with the Administration Code for Kentucky's Educational Assessment Program and Inclusion of Special Populations. Required trainings must be completed prior to the administration of CTE EOP Assessment at the local level. Nondisclosures and Group Signature Sheets verifying training should be kept on file locally.



The Division of Support and Research has created a number of forms that can be downloaded for use by schools and districts in implementing the state's Assessment and Accountability Program.


KDE Calculator Polic​y

Office of Assessment and Accountability Calculator Use Policy for State Testing.


CTE EOP Online IT Requirements

CTE EOP Assessment is administered using the online system, E-SESS, through Pitsco Education, LLC. Please review the technical specifications provided by E-SESS and KDE to ensure a smooth testing experience.  DACs, BAC, and Principals should communicate with Building and District Technology Coordinators to confirm all guidelines in the CTE EOP Online IT Requirements document are addressed prior to local administration of the test.​​


CTE EOP Online Sample Test

The CTE EOP Online Sample Test allows students to practice using the online testing environment and become familiar with test format.  Prior to testing, the online sample test should be run on every device that will be used for live testing to ensure local system performance.  The online sample test can be accessed using the following login information:

       Organization Name: KYEOP
            First Name:     Sample
            Last Name:     Sample
            Password:       Sample


CTE EOP Sample Test and Answer Key

CTE EOP Sample Test and Answer Key is available as a resource for academic and employability sample questions. However, the purpose of the CTE EOP Online Sample Test is to practice using the online testing environment to become familiar with test format and to run on each device that will be used for live testing to ensure local system performance.


Seating Charts

 A seating chart must be completed for each testing room and kept on file locally.  Be certain the room configuration matches that of the testing site.


Testing Allegation Reporting

CTE EOP Assessment allegations are to be submitted as they are for other state assessments. Refer to testing allegations reporting guidelines provided by the Office of Assessment and Accountability.


Review of Kentucky Occupational Skill Standards (KOSSA)

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) contracted with Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO) to conduct a comprehensive review of the Kentucky Occupational Skill Standards Assessment (KOSSA) system. The purpose of this review was to evaluate the quality of the KOSSA test items, as well as the quality of the KOSSA test forms. Additionally, the review was to explore options for moving KOSSA to a model that would allow for more accurate year-to-year comparisons. Finally, we were tasked to develop a draft validity argument framework, an organized list of evidence to support the validity of KOSSA’s scores and uses of those scores, to allow KDE to determine how best to support KOSSA and its mission.

KDE EOP Information
Office of Career and Technical Education
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4286




February 24 - March 28, 2025 *

  • Spring 2025 CTE EOP Assessment
  • Spring 2025 Initial TRACK Pre-Apprenticeship Assessment
    • Carpentry TRACK, Electrical TRACK, Welding TRACK

* schools will identify consecutive two-week testing window within assessment testing window

​April 15 - 30, 2025

  • 2025 Retest Window - TRACK Pre-Apprenticeship Assessment
    • ​Carpentry TRACK, Electrical TRACK, Welding TRACK


Programs of Study and Valid Industry Certifications

Pathway Phase-out Guidance

CTE Pathway Standards Documents

​​Valid CTE EOP Assessments



Accountability and CTE

Career Pathway Request Guidance

Student Organizations

Professional Organizations

Kentucky's Top Five In-Demand Sectors



2024 CTE EOP Assessment State ​Report

2023 CTE EOP Assessment State Report

2022 CTE EOP Assessment State Report

2021 CTE EOP Assessment State Report

2020 CTE EOP Assessment State Report

2019 CTE EOP Assessment State Report

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