Safe Schools

Safe Schools

Published: 2/25/2025 12:27 PM

​The Safe Schools Team at the Kentucky Department of Education provides various resources for schools, parents and districts, such as bullying prevention training, suicide prevention training, assistance with children experiencing bullying, and guidance on Missing Children in Kentucky and Safe Schools data collection in schools.

Related Websites

Title IV, Part A - Support and Academic Enrichment

Suicide Prevention and Youth Mental Health Awareness

Missing Children Guidance and Resources

Child Abuse and Neglect - KDE approved trainings

Kentucky Center for School Safety

KDE collaborates with the Kentucky Center for School Safety to provide training and professional development to school districts.  Throughout the year, the Kentucky Center for School Safety is available to schools across Kentucky, as a "one stop shop" for school safety resources, training and assistance. 

Senate Bill 1 - an act passed in 2019 relating to school safety

Senate Bill 8/House Bill 354 - an act passed in 2013 pertaining to school safety

KRS 158.445 - Local assessment of school safety and school discipline

KRS 158.444 - Reporting of discipline to KDE from student information system

KRS 158.156 - Reporting of commission of felony

KRS 158.148 - Student discipline guidelines and model policy

KRS 158.150 - Suspension or expulsion of pupils

KRS 158.155 - Reporting of specific incidents of student conduct

KRS 158.162​- Mandatory adoption of emergency response plan

KRS 527.070- ​Unlawful possession of a weapon on school grounds - posting of sign - exemptions

KRS 525.070 - Harassment

KRS 525.080 - Harassing Communications​

​​​​Doug Roberts
Office of Continuous Improvement and Support
Division of Student Success
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4772
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