Meeting Information
Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) Members
Upcoming KBE Meetings
- The Kentucky Board of Education Awards Committee will hold a virtual meeting March 20. Watch the meeting live on the KDE Media Portal.
- The next KBE regular meeting will be held March 26-27, 2025, at the Kentucky Department of Education in Frankfort, KY. Watch the KBE meeting live on the KDE Media Portal.
KBE Regular Meeting Dates
KBE regular meetings will be held at the Kentucky Department of Education in Frankfort, Ky., unless otherwise stated. Watch KBE meetings live on the KDE Media Portal.
- March 26-27, 2025, Regular Meeting
- June 4-5, 2025, Regular Meeting
- August 6-7, 2025, KBE Retreat and Regular Meeting
- October 1-2, 2025, Commissioner’s Evaluation Discussion
and Regular Meeting
- December 3-4, 2025, Regular Meeting
- February 4-5, 2026, Regular Meeting
- April 8-9, 2026, Regular Meeting
- June 3-4, 2026, Regular Meeting
- August 5-6, 2026, KBE Retreat and Regular Meeting
- October 7-8, 2026, Commissioner’s Evaluation Discussion
and Regular Meeting
- December 2-3, 2026, Regular Meeting