Each year, under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the U.S. Department of Education (US ED) awards federal funds to all states under Section 611 (Grants to States) and Section 619 (Preschool). Of these funds, states allocate a substantial portion to local education agencies (LEAs), and smaller amounts for administration of the grant and for what the IDEA refers to as, Other Activities.
In Kentucky, the Office of Special Education and Early Learning (OSEEL) uses the amount it sets aside for Other Activities to fund a statewide network of technical assistance (TA) providers. This statewide TA network provides related support to LEAs to expand services and programs at the local level to improve student performance and outcomes.
The following list of providers is funded to provide technical assistance and support for LEAs for the 2023-2024 school year.
Kentucky’s Special Education Technical Assistance Network supports the efforts and initiatives of the OSEEL to build the capacity of LEAs to serve students who receive special education and related services. If you have questions or are interested in a TA provider, please contact Gretta Hylton at Gretta.Hylton@education.ky.gov.
Technical Assistance Providers
American Sign Language Interpreter Education (ASLIE) at EKU
American Sign Language Interpreter Education program at EKU trains interpreting education students, enhances skills and knowledge of interpreters in the field as well as teachers, school support staff, and parents, provides access to cutting-edge technology, and collaborates with the Kentucky School for the Deaf (KSD) and other stakeholders.
Arts for All KY
Arts for All Kentucky provides arts education and inclusion programs for children with disabilities throughout the state, including creative writing, dance and movement, drama, music, storytelling, or visual arts. Arts for All KY Roster Artists collaborate with schools, teachers, and community organizations in designing and implementing residencies that interface with the curriculum and enhance learning for PreK-12 students.
Community Work Transition Program (CWTP)
The Community Work Transition Program (CWTP) is a longstanding project of the University of Kentucky’s Human Development Institute (HDI), designed to provide a positive beginning for students with disabilities to gain the skills and resources needed to be career-ready. The CWTP, through services provided by local school district personnel and district employment specialists, supports students with disabilities in being prepared for competitive integrated employment.
Higher Education Special Education Consortium
The Higher Education Special Education Consortium bridges the work between Kentucky’s Institutes for Higher Education (IHE) Special Education Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs), the state leadership team for Kentucky Excellence in Educator Preparation (KEEP), the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), KDE Special Education Regional Technical Assistance Centers, and partner school districts to increase learning outcomes for students with disabilities.
Kentucky Academic and Behavior Response to Intervention Center (KYABRI)
Kentucky Academic and Behavior Response to Intervention Center (KYABRI) responds to the identified IDEA-related technical assistance needs of schools and districts across the state. Through a tiered (general, supplemental, and intensive) model of support that includes supplemental and intensive support across a range of academic and behavioral needs of students, KYABRI provides local school districts access to a full range of training, technical assistance, and materials to support the use of effective practices related to students with disabilities.
KYABRI also supports districts identified for significant disproportionality under the
IDEA as required by 34 CFR 300.646.
Kentucky Autism Training Center (KATC)
The University of Louisville, Kentucky Autism Training Center (KATC) provides training for educators, parents, community members, and related personnel (school psychologists, behavior analysts, speech and language pathologists, diagnosticians, etc.) on the implementation of practices to meet the needs of students identified under the eligibility criteria for autism.
Kentucky Post-School Outcomes Center (KYPSO)
The Kentucky Post School Outcomes Center (KYPSO) develops and oversees the Youth One Year Out (YO-YO) student interviews. KYPSO works with state and local partners to identify factors that lead to a successful transition from high school to adult life for students with disabilities.
Kentucky Special Parent Involvement Network (KY-SPIN)
Kentucky Special Parent Involvement Network (KY-SPIN) supports parents and families of children in special education through training, information dissemination, and one-on-one consultation.
Kentucky Traineeship in Special Education
The KY Traineeship in Special Education supports tuition assistance for individuals teaching in Kentucky public school special education classrooms, attending universities approved for funding, and seeking post-graduate Special Education certification for their current position.
Murray State University Special Education Alternative Certification Model Program
The Murray State University Special Education Alternative Certification Model Program provides tuition reimbursement for participants seeking learning and behavior disorders (LBD) and moderate to severe disorders (MSD) certification.
Teaching Age-Appropriate Learning through Communication (TAALC)
Teaching Age-Appropriate Learning through Communication (TAALC) provides professional learning for educators, speech-language pathologists, and other related service providers to support students with communication challenges.
UK College of Education – Kentucky Deaf-Blind Project
The Kentucky-Deaf Blind Project is a technical assistance project providing services to individuals with dual sensory (vision and hearing) impairments or losses. Services are provided to individuals from birth to 22 as a statewide service delivery system. In addition, supports to students with complex needs or impairments are also provided upon request. Complex needs are defined as students who have vision and/or hearing loss and additional disabilities. The intent of the project is to work in collaboration with Kentucky’s 173 school districts, "the Part C service delivery system, Parent Training Information (PTI) Center" known as Kentucky’s Special Parent Involvement Network (KY-SPIN), and other local, state, and national partners to improve outcomes for students, families, service providers, and systems.
UK Human Development Institute (HDI) Technical Assistance (TA)
HDI employs ten technical assistance liaisons [TAL] to support the KDE in delivering technical support to local school districts. Under the direction of OSEEL, the TALs work directly with school-level instructional staff to improve the delivery of high-leverage practices in reading, special education monitoring, implementation of science, and behavioral interventions.
UTAH Technical Assistance and Excellence in Special Education (TAESE)
TAESE directly supports the State Education Agency (SEA) regarding Special Education Complaint Investigation, training for the State Advisory Panel for Exceptional Children (SAPEC), and the State’s general supervision responsibilities under the IDEA.
Special Education Regional Technical Assistance Centers (SERTACs)
(located at each Educational Cooperative)

Special Education Regional Technical Assistance Centers (SERTAC) Map
Kentucky has a rich history of providing support for special education to LEAs. All of Kentucky’s local school districts are eligible to receive services at no cost through regional centers. Services range from technical assistance on various issues from IEP development to instructional supports for math and literacy to professional development – all to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. In addition, these TA services align with the OSEEL initiatives to meet the federal requirements of the IDEA and the priorities established by
the Office of Special Education Programs.
230 Technology Way
Bowling Green 42101
Phone: (270) 563-2113
Fax: (270) 563-2208
Dr. Merissa Waddy, Director
VanHoose Education Center
3332 Newburg Rd.
Louisville, KY 40218
Phone: (502) 485-3280
Latricia Bronger, Director
904 West Rose Road
Ashland, KY 41102
Phone: (606) 929-2216
Fax: (606) 929-2116
Stephanie Little, Director
412 Roy Campbell Drive
Hazard, KY 41701
Phone: (606) 436-3161
Fax: (606) 439-1322
Dr. Dionne Bates, Director/Implementation and Improvement Lead
Brenda Combs, Director/Compliance Lead
5516 East Alexandria Pike
Cold Springs, KY 41076-3540
Phone: (859) 442-8600
Fax: (859) 442-7038
Brittney Howell, Director
100 Alpine Dr.
P.O. Box 1249
Shelbyville, KY 40066
Phone: (502) 647-3533, ext. 218
Fax: (502) 647-3581
Christel Bogar, Director
55 Waco Dr.
London, KY 40741
Phone: (606) 657-5210
Fax: (859) 575-1618
Dr.Brandi Bray, Director
201 General Services Building
Murray State University
Murray, KY 42071
Phone: (270) 809-6980
Fax: (270) 809-2485
Rachel Johnson, Director
Early Childhood Regional Training Centers (RTCs)
The Early Childhood Regional Training Centers provide various services for the early childhood community, including regional training/workshops, on-site consultations, lending library of materials, and annual statewide and regional collaborative institutes. Five early childhood regional training centers are dedicated to promoting high-quality learning environments and continuous quality improvement in state-funded preschool settings.
210 Saffell Street
Lawrenceburg, KY 40342
(502) 839-2513 Fax: (502) 839-2516
Alysia Wedding, Director
Penny Nutter, Early Childhood Specialist
Jamie Lester, Pyramid Model Coach
Julie Goodpaster, Administrative Assistant
1820 Hickman Street
Ashland, KY 41105
(606) 420-0841
Fax: (606) 420-4444
Stacey Stevens, Director (x2731)
Kerri Thornburg, Early Childhood Specialist
Carolee McCallister, Behavior Specialist/Pyramid Model Coach
1010 Brandy Lane, Suite B
Richmond, KY 40475
(859) 353-5479
Dr. Sonia Michael, Director
Misty Head, Behavior Coach
Brittany Sams, Pyramid Model Coach
Andrea Ummel, Administrative Assistant
PO Box 1018
Murray, KY 42071
(270) 809-5316 or 5317
Fax: (270) 809-3084
Nancy Lovett, Director
Karmel Stewart, Pyramid Model Coach
Britney York, Observation Specialist/Administrative Assistant
211 South Main, Suite 1B
Franklin, KY 42134
(270) 586- 2008
Fax: (270) 586-2809
April McNaughton, Director
Laura Miller-Welsh, Early Childhood Consultant
Rachel Wright, Pyramid Model Coach
Melissa Franklin, Administrative Assistant