Our mission is to provide guidance and assistance to Kentucky Alternative Education programs and ensure continuous improvement in instruction, practices and curriculum to help all Kentucky students to be college and career ready.
The mission of the Best Practices' website is to promote practices that motivate, engage, and provide measurable results in school district achievement, processes and learning in schools throughout Kentucky.
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) provides a variety of supports to schools and districts to identify students who may become chronically absent. Kentucky defines chronic absenteeism as missing ten percent or more of her/his enrolled academic year for any reason (excused and unexcused).
School and district improvement efforts focus on student needs through a collaborative process involving all stakeholders to establish and address priority needs, district funding, and closing achievement gaps between identified subgroups of students. The Comprehensive School/District Improvement Plans address the Kentucky Board of Education’s Goals.
As required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and beginning with the 2018-19 school year, the Kentucky Department of Education will identify Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools referenced in KRS 160.346. CSI schools are low-performing schools that have an overall score in the bottom five percent of overall scores by level.
The Continuous Improvement for GAP Closure website provides information, resources and tools designed to assist schools and districts in their efforts to reduce the number of students scoring below proficiency and improve overall student achievement.
Our mission is to provide evidence that digital learning has a positive impact on the preparation of all students in Kentucky schools to graduate college and career ready.
In December 2015, the United States Congress reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act through a law known as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Designed to increase flexibility for state and local school systems, ESSA provides schools with new opportunities for innovation and school improvement.
One requirement under ESSA is that school improvement efforts be rooted in "evidence-based activities, strategies, or interventions". While the term evidence-based has been in other areas of the law for many years, ESSA is the first federal law to define and identify levels of evidence for educational purposes.
The Kentucky Community School Initiative (KCSI) seeks to create better outcomes for Kentucky students and to reduce barriers to learning. Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, 20 districts and 40 schools from across the state will participate in this five-year, transformative initiative to implement full service community schools.
The Division of Innovation is charged with incubating learning innovations to promote personalized learning for each and every student, with the hope that these new approaches to learning could be scaled in the future.
KDE has been working with National Institute for School Leadership (NISL) to provide leadership training to school and district leaders. NISL is a thoroughly researched and fully tested program designed to assist schools and districts across the state with leadership development efforts.
KRS 158.780 and 158.785 require that the Kentucky Board of Education
(KBE) establish a program for management improvement services for those school
districts which demonstrate such a critical lack of efficiency or effectiveness
in governance or administration that state-mandated corrective action or state
control of the district is required.
The No Pass/No Drive Law (KRS 159.051) was passed during the 2007 legislative session and affects every public and private school in Kentucky (including home school students). The law says that schools will use academic and attendance data from the previous semester of the school year to determine whether 16 and 17-year-old students are compliant with the law.
The Kentucky
Department of Education (KDE) provides a variety of supports to schools and
districts to identify students who may be off-track for College and Career
Readiness, promotion, and/or on-time graduation and provide interventions to
support students until they earn a diploma.
The Kentucky Department of Education provides various resources for schools, parents and districts, such as bullying prevention training, suicide prevention training, assistance with children experiencing bullying, and guidance on missing children in Kentucky and safe schools data collection in schools.
The Stronger Connections Grant (SCG) Program is intended to support evidence-based school safety and climate plans, along with other evidence-based strategies for creating safe, healthy, and supportive schools.
As required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and beginning with the 2018-19 school year, the Kentucky Department of Education will identify Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) schools referenced in KRS 160.346. TSI schools have low-performing gap groups.
Authorized under subpart 1 of Title IV, Part A of the ESEA, the Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) program is intended to help meet student support and academic enrichment goals by increasing the capacity of State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), schools, and local communities.