Career and Technical Education

Interdisciplinary Courses (CTE)

Published: 2/24/2025 2:06 PM
The high school graduation requirements, which became effective with the graduating class of 2002, allow for interdisciplinary courses to substitute for specific academic courses required for graduation.

​The Kentucky Board of Education allows a school district to substitute an applied or interdisciplinary course for a required core academic course if the alternative course provides rigorous content and addresses the same applicable components of the required course. This option provides high schools the opportunity to offer courses that have th​e same academic rigor as traditional courses, but the content is delivered through a more contextual hands-on approach. For more detail, please review Utilizing Interdisciplinary Courses in Compliance with Highly Qualified Teacher Policies.

Amy Tracy
Office of Career and Technical Education
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502)564-4286 Ext. 4277

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