Bid and Proposal Opportunities

Bid and Proposal Opportunities

Published: 3/3/2025 2:22 PM
​​The Kentucky Department of Education administers a variety of state and federal grant programs through allocations and competitive process.  In addition, the Department works with private foundations to coordinate the distribution of private grant funds to schools and districts throughout the state.   For specific program areas and the grants they offer, or for further information on external grant opportunities, select a link below.​

Competitive Grant  Awards

Competitive Grants from KDE

External Grant Opportunities

All vendors/individuals wishing to do business with the Department of Education must be registered through the Finance and Administration Cabinet. This allows vendors the opportunity to identify those products and services they wish to offer to the Commonwealth. Vendors registering for the first time should go to the Commonwealth’s eProcurement Website and click on (Vendor Self Service VSS).​

Bid solicitations for all state agencies are located under the Finance and Administration's (Vendor Self Service VSS) .Click on the Public Access button.


For information concerning KETS contracts, please go to the KDE Technology, Purchasing website.

Call for Vendors: Join the KY Reads to Succeed Conference

The Kentucky Department of Education Division of Early Literacy announces the opportunity for vendors to participate in the upcoming KY Reads to Succeed Conference, scheduled to take place on June 13, 2025, at The Galt House in Louisville, Kentucky. For this event focused on promoting literacy and educational excellence, we are seeking vendors whose products and services align with our mission to improve reading outcomes throughout our state.

The KY Reads to Succeed Conference provides a platform for vendors to showcase their offerings to a diverse audience of educators and administrators. This is an opportunity to connect with education professionals, demonstrate the value of your products/services and contribute to the advancement of literacy initiatives in Kentucky.

2025 Submission for Vendor Applications

​​​Raven Miller
Office of Finance and Operations
Division of Budget and Financial Management
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-1979 ext. 4345

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