Advisory Groups

The State Advisory Council for Gifted and Talented Education

Published: 3/19/2025 11:44 AM



The State Advisory Council for Gifted and Talented Education is mandated by KRS 1​5​8.648​ and is created to make recommendations regarding the provision of educational services for gifted and talented students in the Commonwealth.


The council shall be composed of nineteen (19) voting members who shall be appointed by the Governor and three (3) nonvoting, ex officio members.

The council shall be composed of nineteen (19) voting members who shall be appointed by the Governor and three (3) nonvoting, ex officio members. The members shall be appointed representing various constituencies as follows:
  1. ​​Four (4) members shall be teachers within local school districts representing elementary, middle, and high school levels with at least one (1) full-time teacher of gifted and talented students and one (1) full-time teacher who teaches in a regular classroom;
  2. Four (4) members shall be parents of students in local school districts, including two (2) parents of students identified as gifted and talented and at least one (1) who serves or has served on a school council;
  3. Three (3) members shall be from postsecondary education institutions, including one (1) from an independent college or university;
  4. One (1) member shall be a superintendent of a local school district;
  5. Two (2) members shall be principals, including one (1) from an elementary or middle school and one (1) from a high school;
  6. Two (2) members shall be coordinators of gifted and talented programs and services in local school districts;
  7. One (1) member shall be a local board of education member;
  8. One (1) member shall represent the visual and performing arts; and
  9. One (1) member shall be appointed from the private business sector.
​​​​​​(​b) The three (3) nonvoting ex officio members shall be: the state consultant for gifted and talented education in the Kentucky Department of Education, a staff person designated by the executive secretary of the Education Professional Standards Board, and a staff person designated by the president of the Council on Postsecondary Education. Vacancies shall be filled by the Governor as they occur in a manner consistent with the provisions for initial appointment.

Kathie Anderson
Office of Special Education and Early Learning
Division of IDEA Implementation and Preschool
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4970 Ext. 4133

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