Kentucky Board of Education

Kentucky Board of Education Non-Voting Teacher Member

Published: 2/19/2025 3:37 PM

​​​​​The Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) is proud to offer this exciting teacher leadership position. We believe this is an important and timely step as Kentucky moves forward in its commitment to inclusivity, engagement and empowerment statewide.

The Composition, Authority and Duties of the Board

The KBE has 15 members. The governor appoints 11 voting members, seven representing the Supreme Court districts and four representing the state at large. The additional members – the president of the Council on Postsecondary Education, the secretary of the Education and Labor Cabinet, a high school student and an active elementary or secondary school teacher – serve as non-voting members. 

As mandated by Kentucky law, the KBE develops and adopts the regulations that govern Kentucky's 171 public school districts and the actions of the KDE.

The duties of the board as defined by Kentucky stat​utes include:

  • Oversee legislative budget priorities for KDE;
  • Serve as the board for Kentucky School for the Blind and Kentucky School for the Deaf;
  • Establish administrative regulations and academic performance standards for all Kentucky school districts;
  • Designate an organization to oversee interscholastic athletics;
  • Adopt policies and administrative regulations that govern KDE; and
  • Suspend any superintendent or public-school officer guilty of misconduct.

Teacher Expectations and Benefits

The selected teacher member on the KBE is expected to:

  • Be prepared by reviewing the materials for every board meeting;
  • Attend every meeting;
  • Participate and engage in discussions;
  • Promote interest in and support for education in Kentucky;
  • Be courteous and respectful of public suggestions and complaints and refer them to appropriate parties;
  • Work harmoniously with other board members and agencies of the Commonwealth;
  • Become familiar with state laws, policies and administrative regulations as they relate to education;
  • Accept the will of the majority vote in all cases and give support to the resulting policy; and
  • Comply with the KBE Policy Manual and all applicable laws governing the service of a KBE member.

What the teacher member gains from board membership:

  • Incredible experience and insight into educational policy in Kentucky;
  • Familiarity with state laws, policies and administrative regulations as they relate to education;
  • Knowledge about education issues as they relate to Kentucky and the nation; and
  • The ability to make a difference in Kentucky educational policy.

Time Commitment

The selected teacher member will serve a one-year term, from July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026.

The estimated time required for the teacher board member will be at least two successive school days every other month to attend regular KBE meetings, usually in Frankfort; sufficient time to review the agenda materials in advance of the meeting; additional time for handling other board-related business; and time to attend selected meetings, workshops and/or conferences.

Applicants who apply acknowledge the one-year commitment from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026, and the time commitment that will be necessary if selected.


To be selected as the teacher member, the applicant must be employed on a full-time basis by a Kentucky public school district in a position for which Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) certification is required, not employed in an administrative role and must reside in Kentucky's 3rd Congressional District​​.

Counties in Kentucky's 3rd Congressional District include Jefferson (partial).

Selection Process

Applications are due by March 11, 2025, at 5 p.m. ET. By March 14, the commissioner's designee will forward all eligible applications to the Commissioner's Teacher Advisory Council (TAC) for review and recommendation. Applications for those who are ineligible for appointment because they do not meet the requirements will not be forwarded for review.

The TAC, or a subset of the council, will review eligible applications. The TAC will recommend to the board three candidates from eligible applications for selection as the non-voting teacher member.

No later than its last regular meeting of the fiscal year, KBE will consider the recommendations and by majority vote select one candidate to serve as the non-voting teacher member. The selected teacher's name will be forwarded to the Governor's Office for Boards and Commissions for approval and issuance of a commission to serve on the KBE.​

Application Materials

Each prospective applicant should fully understand the time requirement that serving on the KBE would add to their workload and schedule and give serious consideration to the frequent travel requirements of the position.

The KBE non-voting teacher member application must be submitted via Google Form.

If you qualify to serve as a non-voting teacher member and wish to apply, you will need to complete the following as part of your application package.

  • The applicant's name, home address, public school district of employment and congressional district of residence;
  • ​Resume or curriculum vitae;
  • Narrative statement explaining why the applicant wants to serve as a non-voting teacher member of the board;
  • A statement of assurance from the applicant that they meet the definition of a teacher; and
  • A description, if any, of any pending or final disciplinary action against the applicant by the EPSB.

Application Submission Deadline

The completed KBE non-voting teacher member application​ must be submitted via Google Form by March 11, 2025, at 5 p.m. ET. For more information about the teacher position on the KBE, email KDE Director of Education Policy GlyptusAnn Grider Jones​



​Taylor Perry
Executive Administrative Secretary
Office of the Commissioner of Education
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 892-6174 Ext. 4851
Fax (502) 564-5680

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