
Randy Poe

Published: 10/12/2023 1:13 PM

​​At-Large Member

Randy Poe of Union has dedicated nearly 40 years of service to Boone County schools and the northern Kentucky education community.

Beginning his tenure with Boone County as a school bus driver, Poe worked his way to superintendent – a position he held for 12 years before retiring in June of 2020.

Throughout his career, Poe also was a teacher, coach, principal, assistant superintendent and deputy superintendent. He currently serves as the executive director of the Northern Kentucky Education Council.

The recipient of numerous awards – including the 2013 Kentucky Association of School Administrators Superintendent of the Year and the 2015 Dupree Outstanding Superintendent Award from the Kentucky School Boards Association – Poe credits his family as his proudest accomplishment.

He earned his bachelor’s in marketing and education, master’s in secondary education and his Rank I certification in administration from Northern Kentucky University. He earned his superintendent certificate from Xavier University, his school financial management certificate from the University of Kentucky and completed the Executive Leadership Program for Educators at Harvard University.

Poe is a 1979 graduate of Newport High School (Newport Independent).

His term will expire April 14, 2026. 


KBE SPOTLIGHT | Randy Poe continuing his education journey with the KBE

Randy Poe with Students

Randy Poe poses for a picture with students from Erpenbeck Elementary (Boone County). After serving the Northern Kentucky community for almost 40 years, Poe’s education journey continues with his appointment to the Kentucky Board of Education.

Photo submitted

Randy Poe Picture with students

KBE member Randy Poe, center in white shirt, poses with a group of Boone County students showing off their patriotic spirit.

Photo submitted


​Taylor Perry
Executive Administrative Secretary
Office of the Commissioner of Education
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 892-6174 Ext. 4851
Fax (502) 564-5680

Randy Poe Picture
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