Supplemental and Historical Data

Economically Disadvantaged

Published: 8/8/2024 11:57 AM

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The list below provides current and historical supplemental​ economically disadvantaged datasets.​​

Economically Disadvantaged (Free and Reduced)
DatasetCategoryYearDescriptionDownloadTypeFile Size
Free and ReducedQualifying Data2022-2023The total number of program eligible participants by category of receiving free or reduced-price benefits as of the last operating day in October.2022-2023FinalQualifyingData.xlsxxlsx127591
Free and ReducedQualifying Data2021-2022The total number of program eligible participants by category of receiving free or reduced-price benefits as of the last operating day in October.2021-2022FinalQualifyingData.xlsxxlsx132597
Free and ReducedQualifying Data2020-2021The total number of program eligible participants by category of receiving free or reduced-price benefits as of the last operating day in October.2020-2021FinalQualifyingData.xlsxxlsx137846
Free and ReducedQualifying Data2019-2020The total number of program eligible participants by category of receiving free or reduced-price benefits as of the last operating day in October.2019-2020FinalQualifyingData.xlsxxlsx132089
Free and ReducedQualifying Data2018-2019The total number of program eligible participants by category of receiving free or reduced-price benefits as of the last operating day in October.2018-2019FinalQualifyingData.xlsxxlsx132394
Free and ReducedQualifying Data2017-2018The total number of program eligible participants by category of receiving free or reduced-price benefits as of the last operating day in October.2017-2018FinalQualifyingData.xlsxxlsx135998



Mike Sullivan
Office of Finance and Operations
Division of School and Community Nutrition
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-5625 Ext 4930
Fax (502) 564-5519

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