Ethnicity Summary Update | Enrollment | 2022-2023 | Ethnic membership by district and grade. | State-2022-2023-GrowthFactorEthnicitySummaryUpdate.xlsx | xlsx | 1220375 |
Gain Loss Summary | Enrollment | 2022-2023 | Year-by-year district comparison of ADA with SAAR, highlighting the gain/loss count and percent. | State-2022-2023-GrowthFactorGainL.pdf | pdf | 86354 |
Gain Loss Summary - Updated | Enrollment | 2022-2023 | Year-by-year district comparison of ADA with SAAR, highlighting the gain/loss count and percent. | State-2022-2023-GrowthFactorGainLossSummary-Updated5-17.xlsx | xlsx | 44946 |
Original Calendar Summary | School Calendars | 2022-2023 | Complete 2022-2023 school year calendar with important event dates for each district. | 2022-23_OriginalCalendarSummary_KDEWebsite.xlsx | xlsx | 78850 |
Chronic Absenteeism | Attendance | 2021-2022 | Breakdown of chronically absent students by district, school, demographic, and grade. | SRCChronicAbsent2022.xlsx | xlsx | 2817472 |
District Student Participation | Attendance | 2021-2022 | Student participation percentages over a defined span of time by district. | DistrictStudentParticipationReport_January.xlsx | xlsx | 64070 |
Original Calendar Summary | School Calendars | 2021-2022 | Complete 2021-2022 school year calendar with important event dates for each district. | 2021-22_OriginalCalendarSummary_KDEWebsite.xlsx | xlsx | 86215 |
Chronic Absenteeism | Attendance | 2020-2021 | Breakdown of chronically absent students by district, school, demographic, and grade. | ChronicAbsenteeism_20-21.xlsx | xlsx | 2842305 |
District Student Participation | Attendance | 2020-2021 | Student participation percentages over a defined span of time by district. | DistrictStudentParticipationReport.xlsx | xlsx | 42095 |
Original Amended Calendar Summary | School Calendars | 2020-2021 | Complete 2020-2021 school year calendar with important event dates for each district. | 202021OriginalAmendedCalendarSummary-Website.xlsx | xlsx | 90575 |
Student Participation | Attendance | 2020-2021 | Total participation for different scheduled days through the 2020-2021 school year broken apart by district, ethnic group, and student groups. | StudentParticipationAggregate_EndofYear.xlsx | xlsx | 451001 |
Ethnicity Membership State Totals | Enrollment | 2019-2020 | Ethnic membership by district and grade. | GF2019-2020StateTotalsEthnicMembership.xlsx | xlsx | 257173 |
Gain Loss Summary | Enrollment | 2019-2020 | Year-by-year district comparison of ADA with SAAR, highlighting the gain/loss count and percent. | GF2019-2020StateTotalsGainLossSummary.xlsx | xlsx | 46139 |
Enrollment Reports | Enrollment | 2018-2019 | Superintendents Annual Attendance Report on enrollment by district, school, and grade. | 2019SAAREnrollmentReports.xlsx | xlsx | 185987 |
Ethnic Membership Reports | Enrollment | 2018-2019 | Superintendents Annual Attendance Report on ethnic membership by district, school, and grade. | 2019SAAREthnicMembershipReports.xlsx | xlsx | 1079597 |
Ethnicity State Totals by Grade District | Enrollment | 2018-2019 | Ethnic membership by district and grade. | GF2019 StateTotals_Ethnic_byGradeDistrict_ADA.xlsx | xlsx | 531400 |
Gain Loss Summary | Enrollment | 2018-2019 | Year-by-year district comparison of ADA with SAAR, highlighting the gain/loss count and percent. | GF2019_StateTotals_GainLossSummary.xlsx | xlsx | 54554 |
Gain Loss Summary | Enrollment | 2018-2019 | Year-by-year district comparison of ADA with SAAR, highlighting the gain/loss count and percent. | GF2019_StateTotals_GainLossSummary_ADA.xlsx | xlsx | 49529 |
Summary Reports | Enrollment | 2018-2019 | Superintendents Annual summary Attendance Report with AADA and substitute days broken apart by district. | 2019SAARSummaryReportsADA.xlsx | xlsx | 58260 |
Enrollment Reports | Enrollment | 2017-2018 | Superintendents Annual Attendance Report on enrollment by district, school, and grade. | 2018SAAREnrollmentReports.xlsx | xlsx | 234604 |
Ethnicity State Totals by Grade District | Enrollment | 2017-2018 | Ethnic membership by district and grade | GF2018_StateTotals_Ethnic_byGradeDistrict.xlsx | xlsx | 227315 |
Gain Loss Summary | Enrollment | 2017-2018 | Year-by-year district comparison of ADA with SAAR, highlighting the gain/loss count and percent. | GF2018_StateTotals_GainLossSummary.xlsx | xlsx | 40149 |
Summary Reports | Enrollment | 2017-2018 | Superintendents Annual summary Attendance Report with AADA and substitute days broken apart by district. | 2018SAARSummaryReportsADA.xlsx | xlsx | 57663 |
Enrollment Reports | Enrollment | 2016-2017 | Superintendents Annual Attendance Report on enrollment by district, school, and grade. | 2017SAAREnrollmentReports.xlsx | xlsx | 177757 |
Ethnic Membership Reports | Enrollment | 2016-2017 | Superintendents Annual Attendance Report on ethnic membership by district, school, and grade. | 2017SAAREthnicMembershipReports.xlsx | xlsx | 924473 |
Ethnicity by Grade State Total | Enrollment | 2016-2017 | Ethnic membership by district and grade. | GF17EthnicbyGradeStateTotal(ADA).xlsx | xlsx | 274974 |
Gain Loss State Totals | Enrollment | 2016-2017 | Year-by-year district comparison of ADA, highlighting the gain/loss count and percent. | GF17_GAIN_LOSS_StateTotals(ADA).xlsx | xlsx | 47924 |
Gain Loss Summary | Enrollment | 2016-2017 | Year-by-year district comparison of ADA with SAAR, highlighting the gain/loss count and percent. | GF2017_StateTotals_GainLossSummary.xlsx | xlsx | 46344 |
Summary Reports | Enrollment | 2016-2017 | Superintendents Annual summary Attendance Report with AADA and substitute days broken apart by district. | 2017SAARSummaryReportsADA.xlsx | xlsx | 55630 |
Enrollment Reports | Enrollment | 2015-2016 | Superintendents Annual Attendance Report on enrollment by district, school, and grade. | 2016SAAREnrollmentReports.xlsx | xlsx | 171143 |
Ethnic Membership Reports | Enrollment | 2015-2016 | Superintendents Annual Attendance Report on ethnic membership by district, school, and grade. | 2016SAAREthnicMembershipReports.xlsx | xlsx | 885987 |
Gain Loss Summary | Enrollment | 2015-2016 | Year-by-year district comparison of ADA, highlighting the gain/loss count and percent. | GF2016_StateTotals_GainLossSummary.xlsx | xlsx | 43253 |
Summary Reports | Enrollment | 2015-2016 | Superintendents Annual summary Attendance Report with AADA and substitute days broken apart by district. | 2016SAARSummaryReportsADA.xlsx | xlsx | 56079 |
Enrollment Reports | Enrollment | 1999-2019 | Superintendents Annual Attendance Report broken apart by district, school, grade, and school year. | 1999-2019SAAREnrollmentReports.xlsx | xlsx | 1948415 |
Ethnic Membership Reports | Enrollment | 1999-2019 | Superintendents Annual Attendance Report on ethnic membership by district, school, grade, and school year. | 1999-2019SAAREthnicMembershipReports.xlsx | xlsx | 12829471 |
Summary Reports | Enrollment | 1996-2019 | Superintendents Annual Attendance Report broken apart by district and school year. | 1996-2019SAARSummaryReportsADA.xlsx | xlsx | 1661451 |
District Report Summary | Attendance | 1989-2015 | Year-by-year district comparison of ADA, highlighting the gain/loss count and percent. | GrowthFactorDistrictReportSummary1989-2015.xlsx | xlsx | 2861558 |