Empowering Kentucky educators to improve student literacy through evidence-based professional learning
The Kentucky Reading Academies offer multiple professional learning opportunities for K-12 teachers and administrators. The Kentucky Reading Academies: Fulfilling KyMTSS' Vision of Equitable Literacy Access provides information on how the Kentucky Reading Academies support educators as they build upon their early literacy knowledge and implement evidence-based reading instruction, intervention and a multi-tiered system of supports to ensure equitable access to literacy for all Kentucky's students.
Keynote Speaker Announced for Kentucky's Read to Succeed Summer Conference
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) Division of Early Literacy invites you to the second annual Kentucky Reads to Succeed Summer Conference on June 13, 2025, at The Galt House in Louisville, Kentucky.
Keynote speaker and educational consultant to state departments and school districts on explicit instruction and literacy, Dr. Anita Archer has presented in all 50 states, all US territories, and many countries, including Australia and Canada, and has received ten awards honoring her educational contributions. Dr. Archer has served on the faculties of three universities, including the University of Washington, the University of Oregon, and San Diego State University. She is nationally known for her professional learning, and she has co-authored numerous curriculum materials and a best-selling textbook addressing reading and writing.
The conference, which will require registration but will be FREE to Kentucky K-12 public educators, will offer focused learning pathways to meet the needs of teachers and administrators. Attendees will learn from KDE Office of Teaching and Learning consultants and partners about:
- Evidence-based instructional shifts for literacy;
- The benefits of structured literacy;
- Why high-quality instructional resources matter; and
- Available resources for implementing the Read to Succeed Act.
Mark your calendar for this June 13 event, and please stay tuned for registration information coming soon.
Call for Vendors: Join the KY Reads to Succeed Conference
The Kentucky Department of Education Division of Early Literacy announces the opportunity for vendors to participate in the upcoming KY Reads to Succeed Conference, scheduled to take place on June 13, 2025, at The Galt House in Louisville, Kentucky. For this event focused on promoting literacy and educational excellence, we are seeking vendors whose products and services align with our mission to improve reading outcomes throughout our state.
The KY Reads to Succeed Conference provides a platform for vendors to showcase their offerings to a diverse audience of educators and administrators. This is an opportunity to connect with education professionals, demonstrate the value of your products/services and contribute to the advancement of literacy initiatives in Kentucky.
2025 Submission for Vendor Applications
Kentucky Early Literacy Leadership Network (KyELLN)
The KyELLN empowers districts in developing and implementing effective strategies for K-5 literacy grounded in high-quality instructional resources (HQIRs). The network focuses on:
- Building sustainable district-level models for implementing early literacy instructional programs connected to HQIR;
- Developing strong systems and structures for early literacy instruction in schools and districts; and
- Leadership support of teacher professional learning communities and effective planning practices.
Overarching goals of the network are to:
- Provide an opportunity for district and school leaders to connect and learn from one another;
- Support improved teaching and learning experiences for K-5 teachers and students; and
- Increase access to grade-level learning in K-5 litearcy.
Regional Principal Support Leaders (RPSL) are available to coach and mentor principals who participate in the KyELLN. The RPSL collaborate with KDE-selected professional learning partners as part of the Kentucky Reading Academies, develop and implement strategies aligned to Senate Bill 9 (2022) and ensure local education leaders understand and are supported in implementing the provisions outlined in SB 9 (2022), the Read to Succeed Act.
Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS)
Why Early Literacy?
A child’s ability to read is a critical predictor of both educational and lifelong success. Students must have every opportunity to gain and strengthen this skill, and teachers must be equipped and empowered in the teaching of reading to best support their students. To support this goal, the Kentucky Department of Education is launching a new, exciting partnership, called the Kentucky Reading Academies, which brings the LETRS, Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling, professional learning opportunity to educators across the commonwealth.
Through LETRS, teachers gain essential knowledge to master the fundamentals of literacy instruction required to transform student learning and create a more vibrant experience for each and every young reader.
Interested in Learning More?
Read more about LETRS Participants' Experiences here.
View the recording of the Phase 1 informational webinar to learn more.
An Evaluation of How LETRS is Shaping Educator Practices and Student Learning Outcomes
In 2023, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) partnered with ICF, an independent research firm, to conduct an evaluation aimed at addressing four key research questions. These questions were designed to help the KDE and other stakeholders understand how participation in the Kentucky Reading Academies is shaping educator practices and student learning outcomes.
The evaluation revealed several significant trends. Participants reported gains in knowledge, shifts in beliefs about how students learn to read and the reasons some may struggle, as well as the implementation of new or adapted teaching strategies. Early signs of positive student outcomes were also observed. Each of these trends is further explored in relation to the specific research questions.
For more detailed insights, explore the following documents:
Timeline and Registration Information
The Kentucky Reading Academies will be implemented in three phases:
- Cohort/Phase 1 - Fall 2022 – Spring 2024
- Cohort/Phase 2 - Fall 2023 – Spring 2025
- Cohort/Phase 3 - Fall 2024 – Spring 2026
Registration for the Kentucky Reading Academies: Cohort 3 of LETRS Professional Learning has closed.
The 2-Year LETRS for Educators PL Course of Study
Each cohort group will engage in professional learning over two years and cover eight professional learning units on topics essential for literacy instruction, including phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, writing and assessment. Each unit will include asynchronous, self-paced study and six hours of facilitator-led learning. Participants must commit to completing the full two-year course and will devote approximately an hour each week plus six hours for each unit for live training to complete the program.
The 1-Year LETRS for Administrators PL Course of Study
LETRS for Administrators enables leaders to effectively support educators as they engage in the LETRS course of study and work to implement the learnings in their classrooms. LETRS for Administrators is a professional learning opportunity designed to guide state, district, and building administrators and instructional leaders in creating adaptable and suitable literacy initiatives using systems thinking and implementation science. The program defines the systems and infrastructures required to successfully implement a sustainable literacy program aligned to scientifically based research.
LETRS For Administrators Program Overview
A Systematic Approach
We strongly encourage a systemic approach wherein the entire school/district staff; entire vertical and/or horizontal professional learning communities; and administrators participate together. We recognize that participating in this systemic training will take time. Therefore, we encourage leaders to work thoughtfully to outline the best plan for their building/district. Yet, we will allow for maximum flexibility needed for participation: Individual teachers may choose to participate.
The KDE is committed to supporting the success of this initiative. Districts and schools with a commitment to building sustainability may reach out to Christie Biggerstaff, Director of Early Literacy, at christie.biggerstaff@education.ky.gov, for additional information on the Kentucky Reading Academies.
What are Cohort 1 Participants saying?
Over 1,800 Kentucky educators and administrators are completing the LETRS professional learning in Cohort 1. A total of 433 Phase 1 participants responded to a January 2022 survey regarding the professional learning experience. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive.
95% of participants say they were learning NEW information.
95% of participants say the information they were learning was RELEVANT to their role and responsibilities.
93% of participants say that the information they have learned has helped them to better meet the diverse learning needs of their students.
“This has been the best learning experience I have had in 19 years of teaching. I wish that I had access to this experience when I first started teaching. I will be recommending this to all of my teaching colleagues!”
~Mark Gaskins, Fort Thomas
“LETRS is a rigorous course that has provided me with so much information about teaching foundational skills. I have been able to apply my knowledge almost immediately after each self-guided and live virtual session I have completed.”
~Christy Rhodes, Jefferson County
“The interventionists have been bragging on my tier 3 students and how much better they are at decoding since using some of the sound wall components! It is truly making a difference in the reading confidence and abilities of my students.”
~Neryssa Crisp, Scott County
“LETRS training has been a valuable experience for me as an educational leader. It has given me a deeper understanding of the essential knowledge necessary for transformational change with reading instruction in our primary grades. “
~Kristy Nelson, Livingston County
“I have many credentials to teach a student to read. However, there have been students for whom I have not made the difference I wanted to make. I am a quarter of the way through the LETRS training. This is the training I have been seeking for decades. Every teacher should have this training. It is, hands down, the best training I have ever received. It does take time, BUT, this training is well worth making the time to take. This is the training that will help us help our students. I am so glad I signed up.”
~Cindy Kennedy, Rockcastle County