Bid and Proposal Opportunities

Competitive Grants from KDE

Published: 3/4/2025 11:21 AM

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Kentucky Department of Education offers a variety of competitive grant opportunities each year. Current grants are advertised as Requests for Application (RFAs) below. Grants provide funding to districts, schools and related entities to enhance public education in Kentucky.

FY25 KYILN Travel Grant

  • Grant applications due: April 24, 2025, 4 PM ET
  • Award Amount: Up to $3,000.00
  • Matching Funds Requirement: No

The Kentucky Innovative Learning Network (KY-ILN) Travel Grant is intended to support travel to model schools and/or exemplary conferences that promote and concern learner-centered and innovative practices at their programmatic core.

KYILN Grant Technical Assistance Session 03112025 10 am ET

RFA FY25 KYILN Travel Grant

FY25 Kentucky Numeracy Counts Grant

Grant applications due: March 6, 2025, 4 PM ET

Award Amount: $70,000 per awarded district                                           

Matching Funds Requirement: No

The Kentucky Numeracy Counts Fund grant shall only be used to purchase approved high-quality research and evidence-based curriculum aligned to kindergarten through grade three (3) academic standards in mathematics and expenditures for curriculum-based professional learning to implement a new curriculum.

TA Session

RFA FY25 Numeracy Counts Grant Revised

CALL for Reviewers FY25 KYNC

FAQ FY25 Numeracy Counts Grant

Kentucky Numeracy County Professional Learning Plan​​

Raven Miller
Office of Finance and Operations​
Division of Budget and Financial Management
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-1979 ext. 4345
picture of students walking
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