Appendix D - Master Plan Governance
Referenced Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) and Kentucky Administrative Regulations (KAR) may be found here.
The Master Plan for Education Technology
With the beginning of the Kentucky Education Technology Systems (KETS) program, KRS 156.666 established the Council for Education Technology as an advisory group to the Kentucky Board of Education. This council was responsible for providing guidance on the development of the Master Plan for Education Technology. Over time, the responsibility for guidance and development of the Master Plan transitioned to the Office of Education Technology within the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE).
KDE's responsibility was further codified with KRS 42.746, clarifying that technology services to local school districts fall completely under the Kentucky Department of Education. The services include, but are not limited to, developing, implementing, and maintaining the direction, standards, and architecture of the K-12-focused technology infrastructure.
Approval and Update of the Master Plan
The Kentucky Board of Education and the Legislative Research Commission shared initial approval authority for the Master Plan pursuant to KRS 156.670 (1).
KRS 156.670 (7) places responsibility for updating the plan, as necessary, with the council and the board. Updates are to be reported to the Legislative Research Commission.
KRS 156.160 (1) stipulates that the Kentucky Board of Education has a statutory mandate to prescribe standards, that school districts shall meet. Among these are standards for the "acquisition and use of educational equipment for the schools as recommended by the Council for Education Technology" (KRS 156.160 (1)(c)).
KRS 156.670 (3) states that the Master Plan shall "establish and implement a uniform and integrated system of standards and guidelines for financial accounting and reporting which shall be used by all school districts."
KRS 156.670 (4) requires that the education technology system provide "comprehensive, current, accurate, and accessible information relating to management, finance, operations, instruction, and pupil programs which are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Education." The chief state school officer must certify these data to support the administration of the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky (SEEK) fund, which provides funding to support the public school system in accordance with KRS 157.330. The guaranteed base funding level for each district is computed based on the prior year's average daily attendance (KRS 157.360 (1)), which is calculated based on data collected within the school and accumulated at the district level. To support this funding process, the Kentucky Board of Education has the obligation and authority to establish standards for administrative systems at the district and school level, including, but not limited to, uniform codes, processes, and software systems. The statutes do not restrict the standards-setting responsibilities noted above to any particular source of funds. The Kentucky Board of Education, therefore, has the authority and obligation to specify standards for education technology to which school district acquisitions of hardware and software are subject regardless of source of funds. The board may specify, as it deems necessary, a standard for any line item in the Master Plan budget.
These standards are set forth in the Master Plan for Education Technology and incorporated by reference into Kentucky Administrative Regulations (KARs) pursuant to 701 KAR 5:110 and in compliance with KRS 156.160 (1).
701 KAR 5:110 requires districts to procure only those technologies that meet KETS standards, if a standard for that category has been established, regardless of source of funds.
Education Technology Trust Fund
The Education Technology Trust Fund is established in the Finance and Administration Cabinet by KRS 157.665 (1) to provide education technology for the public school system.
Funds are appropriated to the trust fund in each biennial budget. All interest earned on money in the fund is retained for reinvestment in the fund. All money credited to the fund, including interest, is to be used for education technology as defined by the Kentucky Board of Education's Master Plan and does not lapse (KRS 157.665 (2)).
The School Facilities Construction Commission, within the Finance and Administration Cabinet, is responsible for distributing state funds to local districts through the education technology funding program (KRS 157.650).
To participate in the education technology funding program, a local public school district must have a technology need described in the district plan and approved by the Kentucky Board of Education (KRS 157.655 (3)).
The base level of assistance to each district is determined by dividing the total amount available in the trust fund by the total of the prior year's average daily attendance of the eligible districts times the individual district's prior year's average daily attendance (KRS 157.660 (1).
Funds transferred to each district are to be used only for the projects included in the district's plan (KRS 157.660 (2)).
Trust funds are transferred to a local district after the School Facilities Construction Commission certifies the district's need for assistance. All other expenditures from the fund require the approval of the Kentucky Board of Education (KRS 157.655(3)).
Calculation of Technology Need
Any technology procured or secured by a district, in a category for which a KETS technology need standard is established, regardless of whether the item is used to reduce the technology need or not, must meet or exceed the KETS standard in compliance with 701 KAR 5:110.
There are four categories of technology need including the required People Side of EdTech:
incremental replacement
new technologies
Expenditures in operations and maintenance are necessary to sustain current levels of service. If technology need within the operations and maintenance categories are not addressed in accordance with program guidelines, the integrity, sufficiency, and capacity of the district technology infrastructure will degrade until services are seriously curtailed or eliminated. These include items such as workstation repair, instructional software improvements, school printing services repair, instructional file server repair, school management software improvements, initial/ongoing technology integration, professional development, student technology leadership services, Internet services, telephone communications to parents, distance learning service, help desk services, email services, enterprise data system access, and school financial management services.
The technology need for incremental replacement constitutes a framework for the replacement of various technology components on a scheduled basis over time, in accordance with the life cycle of each item or service. These include items such as instructional devices, instructional servers, assistive and adaptive technology, school laser printers, classroom color printers, wireless networks, student handheld devices, and high-speed fiber networks.
The technology need for new technologies also includes products and services that are more discretionary in nature (e.g., customizable district-by-district based on local priorities, plans, and needs) – products and services that are today only marginally available or affordable and products and services that are perceived as needs in the planning horizon.
The Kentucky Board of Education will acknowledge and approve the technology need for each district. In the KETS Operational Plan, the board will also be reviewing the amount of funds available to go toward and specifically considering approval of using KETS funds to help address that technology need. Districts must continue to secure alternative funding sources beyond the KETS funds, using federal funds, local grants, or other sources, to fully fund the technology need. Budgeting skills will be required to sustain and implement KETS.
Approval of the technology need amounts for local school districts is the first step required to allow local school districts to receive state funding to assist them in funding hardware, software, personnel, professional development, and other technology initiatives that will support students in achieving academic excellence.
Staff certify that districts recommended by the Commissioner of Education have met all the statutory requirements of KRS 157.655 and KRS 157.660 required to adequately describe their technology need and current KETS inventory before Offers of Assistance are distributed.
The following must occur before a district receives its funding:
Kentucky Board of Education approves technology need for districts;
School Facilities Construction Commission (SFCC) approves technology need;
The district successfully meets all of the statutory requirements of KRS 157.655 and KRS 157.660;
The district verifies its final ADA count to KDE's Division of School Finance; and
KETS staff calculates Offers of Assistance based on these variables.
The districts must follow the requirements of the SFCC by receiving approved board action and proof of deposit of funds into a local interest-bearing technology account. The SFCC will then wire funds to the district's technology account.
Additional KETS Regulatory Information
Referenced Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) and Kentucky Administrative Regulations (KAR) may be found here.
701 KAR 5:120 Prevention of Sexually Explicit Materials Transmitted to Schools Via Computer
KRS 156.675 (enacted during the 1998 General Assembly via SB 230) requires the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations to prevent sexually explicit material from being transmitted via education technology systems; directs each local school district and school to use the latest available filtering technology to ensure that sexually explicit material is not made available to students; requires the Department of Education to make filtering technology available to every school without cost; and, requires each local school district to establish a policy regarding student Internet access.
The resulting administrative regulation, 701 KAR 5:120, fulfills the requirements. At the school district level, the regulation requires that each school district adopt and implement an acceptable use policy in every school that conforms to the guidelines issued by the Department; specifies school district responsibilities for implementing and maintaining filtering capabilities in every school; and prohibits the use of electronic mail systems which do not meet state product standards.
Implementation of 1998 Senate Bill230.pdf

702 KAR 1:170 School District Data Security and Breach Procedures
In 2006, the Kentucky General Assembly passed House Bill 341, which mandated KDE to conduct a study of the requirements for data security and a notification process when a data breach occurs. Since that legislation, the threat and occurrence of data breaches has only increased.
While the House Bill 341 study remains an effective cornerstone of guidance for data security, new bills (KRS 61.931, et seq. or "House Bill 5" and KRS 365.734 or "House Bill 232") went into effect in 2015 and added clarity, definition, and direction.
KRS 61.932 protects personal information in three particularly important ways:
Requires the safety and security of personal information held by state agencies, including the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), public school districts, colleges, and universities AS WELL AS any entity/vendor/organization with which they have a contract;
Requires notification of specific state agencies and victims of a data breach; and
Sets up some basic time limitations and procedures that MUST be followed in the event of a data breach involving personal information.
KRS 365.734 specifically protects student data by limiting what a cloud service provider can do with student data and by requiring cloud computing service providers that have contracted with Kentucky public schools and districts to maintain the security of student data. In conjunction with these two state laws, the Kentucky Board of Education (KBE) promulgated 702 KAR 1:170. This KAR requires the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) and school districts to annually acknowledge to their respective boards, by August 31 of each year, that they have reviewed guidance from the Data Security Breach Notification Best Practice Guide, [Appendix A] and implemented appropriate security for each data system for which they are responsible or provide reasons why safeguards have not been put in place, such as lack of resources.
Learner-Connected Technology Standards
The Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Technology contain the minimum required technology standards that all Kentucky students should have the opportunity to learn before graduating (minimum graduation requirements) from a Kentucky high school. The technology standards address what is to be learned, but the standards do not address how learning experiences are to be designed, what resources should be used, or how the standards are to be demonstrated. The current technology standards are included in Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) and will be updated during the life of this KETS Master Plan.
Additionally, Kentucky has developed statewide, comprehensive K-12 Computer Science Standards and Library Media Standards. These standards are based on national frameworks and are designed for all students with identified cross-curricular connections. All three sets of academic standards will help establish a new emphasis for all learners connected to education technology and this Master Plan.

704 KAR 8:010 Kentucky Academic Standards for Computer Science
Kentucky’s Academic Standards for Computer Science were envisioned standards that would afford students the opportunity to engage in critical thinking, computational thinking, and problem-solving through computer science. The writing team wanted standards that would:
Initiate cross-curricular connections to enhance the understanding of computer science skills and concepts;
Establish a continuum of computer science competencies K-12;
Provide opportunities for ALL students to engage in computer science experiences and advanced coursework to prepare them for future success; and
Prepare students to address a critical workforce need related to computer science knowledge and skills.
Kentucky defines computer science as an academic discipline encompassing the study of computers and algorithmic processes to include principles, hardware and software designs, applications, networks, and the impact on society. The computer science standards focusing on this academic discipline outlined in this document provide foundational opportunities essential to the preparation of students for post-secondary education and careers. This regulation was adopted by the Kentucky Board of Education in October 2018.

704 KAR 8:090 Kentucky Academic Standards for Technology
704 KAR 8:090 incorporates by reference the Kentucky Academic Standards for Technology, which contain the general courses of study and academic content standards of technology, for use in Kentucky's common schools. Kentucky's Academic Standards for Technology is now available at These standards identify and define the knowledge and skills essential for all Kentucky students to access, evaluate, and use information and technology to engage in and take ownership of their learning.
The purpose of these standards is to identify technology-related content competencies and skills and performance application standards for all students throughout the kindergarten through grade twelve K-12 curriculum. We must ensure that all children have equal access to high-quality education programs. Clear statements about what students must know and be able to do are essential in making sure our schools offer opportunities to get the knowledge, skills, and application of such, necessary for success beyond the classroom. The standards are designed to be integrated into the various content and skill areas of the school curriculum. The focus is on transforming learning experiences with technology rather than learning about technologies or learning how to use technologies. The integration will be varied and diverse based on the curricula of individual schools and school systems. The reflective dialogue will occur in school districts among students, teachers, administrators, parents, curriculum directors, library media specialists, education technology leaders, digital learning coaches, instructional coaches, parents, and community members as each district leverages these standards and integrates them into the local instructional program for students.
Kentucky officially recognized Technology Academic Standards in 2008 initially, but as a result of the passage of Senate Bill 1 (2017), the standards were revamped and adopted by the Kentucky Board of Education in August 2020.

704 KAR 8:100 Kentucky Academic Standards for Library Media
Kentucky Academic Standards for Library Media is now available at
KRS 158.102 requires boards of education for each local school district to establish and maintain library media centers in every school to promote information literacy, and technology in the curriculum, and to facilitate teaching, student achievement, and lifelong learning. KRS 158.791 details the provision of high-quality library media programs to support reading proficiency. This administrative regulation incorporates by reference the Kentucky Academic Standards for Library Media, which contain the general courses of study and academic content standards of Library Media for use in Kentucky's common schools.
704 KAR 8:100 incorporates by reference the Kentucky Academic Standards for Library Media, which contain the general courses of study and academic content standards of library media for use in Kentucky's common schools. Although these standards do not have a connected graduation requirement, they are, by law, the standards that must be used if a school has a library media program or elective (which includes all K-12 public schools in Kentucky). The Kentucky Academic Standards for Library Media are included in the same 6-year cycle of review and revision as all other content area standards.
After a nearly 2-year design and writing process, these standards were presented and approved by the Kentucky Board of Education in October 2020.

704 KAR 3:535 Full-Time Enrolled Online, Virtual, and Remote Learning Programs
704 KAR 3:535 establishes minimum requirements for the operation of full-time enrolled online, virtual, and remote learning programs in school districts for grades Kindergarten through grade 12. This regulation formalizes a path to full-time enrollment for students in grades Kindergarten through Fourth. It additionally creates a second design option and formal funding model (paralleling seat-time funding) for full-time enrollment in online, virtual, and remote learning programs (alongside the legacy Virtual/Performance-based models for grades Five through Twelve).
This most recent regulation was presented and adopted by the Kentucky Board of Education in August 2022.
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