The Vision - Connections to KDE Strategic Plan
The Kentucky Education Technology System (KETS) Master Plan objective is to always align with the KDE Strategic Plan in support of KDE's mission of equipping every student for the future through a common and shared vision. The three big ideas of the vision include:
- vibrant learning experiences for every student,
- encouraging innovation, and
- collaboration with our communities.
These ideas are woven throughout the strategies and initiatives of the Master Plan referred to as the Areas of Emphasis. They are also foundational for the creation and implementation of the budgeting and planning processes that promote equity, opportunity and access for districts, staff, and students. The core values found in the strategic plan and shared in this Master Plan for Education Technology are Equity, Student Success, Collaboration, Innovation, and Integrity (Figure 1). Equally, KDE and the KETS program (from inception) have always valued equity so that each student has the opportunity to graduate from high school with the education and skills needed to be successful. KDE and KETS value student high academic achievement and support for the development of every student empowered (to learn and demonstrate what they have learned) through technology. Additionally, KDE and KETS value integrity, basing technology-empowered decisions on multiple, accurate, and applicable sources of evidence.

Figure 1: Core values as identified in the Kentucky Department of Education Strategic Plan
The two plans work together to create a collaborative and innovative environment where students and staff thrive. Knowing where we've been and where we are heading allows KETS to remain true to its core values while serving Kentucky's students alongside the strategic planning process.
The KETS Master Plan and the strategic planning process both deeply value feedback which is instrumental in the creation of initiatives that further shared goals. Both plans seek to provide students with increased opportunities to showcase learning, foster innovation by districts and schools as well as improve educator access to high-quality, impactful resources for teaching and learning. This alignment creates opportunities for collaboration among partners in support of these initiatives. Additionally, it allows KDE and OET to provide guidance aimed at schools and districts making progress toward providing high-quality opportunities and access to all students (through vibrant experiences).
Both plans seek to leverage partnerships with a variety of shareholders and support district improvement efforts by building the collective expertise of educators through positioning resources to ensure opportunity and access for all students.
A shared mission and vision (Figure 2) strategically makes students the focus, further directing the work to ensure the achievement of agency and school district goals.

Figure 2: Connecting the Kentucky Department of Education vision, mission, and goals
Ensuring a high-quality education that leads to a successful future for each Kentucky student is not possible without addressing key elements of high quality, opportunity, equity, and access (Figure 3). These elements drive the innovative and collaborative ecosystem needed to propel Kentucky students forward for years to come. The KETS Master Plan is built to always strengthen and be in sync with the KDE strategic plan, even as the agency-wide strategic plan modernizes and adjusts.
Figure 3: Key elements to all Kentucky Department of Education plans
Contents - Introduction < The Vision > Technology Planning