Education Technology Funding
Funding for education technology is made available to districts from federal (E-Rate) and state sources (KETS Offers of Assistance). Schools may reference the KETS Master Plan as a guide to develop and maintain a district technology plan and budget, using state and federal technology funds.
Projected Costs for KY K-12 Technology Needs
The schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism, more commonly known as E-Rate, is a federal initiative that provides discounts on telecommunications, internet access, and eligible internal connection technologies to elementary and secondary schools and public libraries nationwide. For information about E-Rate in Kentucky Libraries, click here.
The E-Rate discount program was authorized by Congress as part of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and signed into law by President Clinton in February 1996. All public elementary and secondary schools, as well as most K-12 private and parochial schools, are eligible for discounts under the E-Rate program. Day care centers and after-school programs held off campus are not eligible for E-Rate support.
The discounts on services or products range between 20% and 90%, depending on the level of need among the students in each school or school district. The level of need is measured using the levels of eligibility (not participation) for the national school lunch program, which provides free and reduced price lunches to low-income students.
The Kentucky Education Technology System (KETS) program has established a collection of E-Rate eligible contracts for procurement of networking equipment and services. Kentucky public school districts are required to use these contracts to acquire these equipment and services regardless of their intention to seek E-Rate support. To determine whether or not particular equipment or services are eligible for E-Rate support, see the Eligible Services List.
KDE provides a yearly funding stream, referred to as the KETS Offers of Assistance, based on Adjusted Average Daily Attendance (AADA) as reported on the Superintendent's Annual Attendance Report (SAAR). Districts must match or escrow funds for up to three years. KRS 157.665 and KRS 157.655 establishes that in order to be eligible, districts are required to develop a plan for the expenditures of KETS funds, report on the use of these funds, and participate in the Kentucky Digital Readiness Survey on an annual basis. Information on required reporting can be found below.
Education Technology Reporting
Eligibility to participate in the KETS Program requires the completion of the following reporting activities by the school districts on an annual basis.
District Technology Plans
Local school districts complete and submit an updated education technology plan on a yearly basis in April as part of the annual District Funding Assurance whereby local school districts are to assess all education technology services needed to support education, as defined by the KETS Master Plan for Education Technology and the online District Technology Planning tool enables districts to create a comprehensive technology plan that is aligned with the KETS 2024-2030 Master Plan. Areas of Emphasis & Future Ready Framework.
The submission process for District Technology Planning is communicated annually to the districts through the KETS Regional Field Staff. District Technology leaders should work with their internal planning team to identify and document measurable strategies meant to improve the environment or to accelerate growth in an area where some degree of success is already taking place. The final District Technology Plan document is saved into a PDF format and submitted via a Google Form.
A sample of the District Technology Plan Template which covers contributing planning factors such as the planning team, previous plan evaluation, new plan preview and Student Voice is provided as a reference in PDF form here. The actual template link and submission link for the current school year are provided to districts through the KETS Regional Field Staff when the annual planning process is set to begin.
Kentucky Digital Readiness Reports
The Kentucky Digital Readiness Reports provide a snapshot of technology infrastructures throughout Kentucky schools and districts. Information represents data gathered from schools and districts throughout Kentucky as of June 30th each year. This data can be used to inform the tech planning process. Kentucky Digital Readiness data is available here.
Technology Activity Reports
Technology Activity Reports (TAR) is a report completed by school districts which reflects the costs expended on an annual basis by the school district for each master plan budget line item. The TAR must be submitted to OET by September 15 for the prior school year. Instructions on how to complete and submit the TAR from the financial management system are provided here.
Office of Education Technology
Division of School Technology Planning and Project Management
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-2020
Fax (502) 564-1519