2013-2018 KETS Master Plan

Technology Master Plans of the Past

Published: 7/12/2018 10:14 AM
The 2018-2024 KETS Master Plan is only the most recent of a number of plans developed by the Office of Education Technology for KETS (Kentucky Education Technology System).
For a historical perspective of how far we've come please see earlier versions of the KETS Master Plan below...

2013 - 2018 Education Technology Master Plan

The 2013-2018 KETS Master Plan builds upon past successes and progress of the state. This plan illustrates the path that will enable all students, teachers and administrators to become capable of understanding and leveraging technology.

 2013 - 2018 KETS Master Plan


2007 - 2012 Education Technology Master Plan

The 2007 - 2012 Education Technology Master Plan describes how technology will be used to improve teaching and learning for all of Kentucky's children. It builds upon past successes and defines a path that will enable all students to understand and leverage technology to realize their full potential. It extends instruction beyond traditional school walls and leads students to understand that every opportunity is available to them.


2007-2012 KETS Master Plan

2007-2012 KETS Master Plan Appendix

2007-2012 KETS Master Plan Budget


2001-2006 KETS Master Plan for Education Technology

The 2001 - 2006 Kentucky Technology Master Plan for Education provided technology guidance for the 2001 - 2006 school years. The document is reflective of the Kentucky Department of Education's KETS Master Plan as it had progressed in the first 12 years of its existence. (1988 -2000)  This document provided information on the successes enjoyed over those years and additionally anticipated the progress Kentucky's education technology would make in the future.


2003 Close of Phase I

Staff note to the State Board of Education. (October 2003) This document outlines the final closure of Phase I of Kentucky's Master Plan for Education Technology.

2003 Master Plan Staff Note PDF 
Graphs and charts illustrating the Phase I status

1998-2000 Update to the Master Plan

The 1998-2000 Update to the Master Plan for Education Technology explained the progress made toward implementation of the Kentucky Education Technology System in the 176 public school districts up to the year 2000. The update also set forth the strategic priorities for the next biennium and introduced new initiatives.
This update incorporated the original Master Plan for Education Technology as adopted in 1992 as well as the 1996 update.
1998-2000 Master Plan PDF


1992 Master Plan

The development of this Kentucky's first education technology plan, was a challenge. Possibly the most difficult aspect of this effort was overcoming the penchant of shareholders to want to see everything in operation "right away". This, of course, was not possible since the Kentucky Education Technology System (KETS) was at first just a vision of the future. One that must first be "believed in" before it could be "seen"!
Undaunted by the absence of a blueprint verified by others, the people who wrote this plan succeeded in designing the future. In the final analysis, they did so because they were people of vision, who cared deeply about Kentucky's children.






Current KETS Master Plan

2018-2024 KETS Master Plan

​Mike Leadingham
Office of Education Technology
Division of School Technology Planning and Project Management
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-2020 ext. 2202
Fax (502) 564-1519
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