The following vendors hold State Master Agreement Contracts that are available to be used for voice hardware and services technology purchases by K-12 public Districts and Schools within the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Specific questions about products, pricing and ordering information should be directed to the appropriate vendor contact.
For quotes/purchases related to E-Rate funding request customers should work directly with the contract holder. Contract holders may engage the usage of approved agents for non E-rate purchases.
Contract # MA-758-1300000895
For Information, contact: Gary Lawrence (Account Executive) (513) 22-88042, email:, or Mike Culleton (Regional Sales Leader) (702) 977-2380, email:
Send Orders to: Gary Lawrence, email:
For Warranty Service: (800) 282-1361
E-Rate SPIN: 143005214
Avaya Contract Agents:
KETS Avaya Contract Category Discounts off MSRP:
- Telephone System Hardware: 60%
- Auto Attendant/Voicemail: 65%
- Operating System Software: 65%
- Cables/Accessories: 65%
- Installation/Initial configuration: 20%
- Training (Technician/System Admin Training): 0%
- Maintenance (Hardware) Support: 35%
- Maintenance (Software) Support: 35%
- Telephone Headsets: 65%
- Voice Training (End User) : 20%
- Voice Professional Services: 20%
- Voice Accessories: 65%
- Mobility Software: 65%
- Voice End-User Software: 65%
Avaya MA 758 1300000895 KETS Voice Hardware and Services.pdf
Effective Date: 3/1/2013
Expiration Date: 2/28/2020
Final Expiration date after possible renewals: 2/28/2021
Mitel Business Systems
Contract # MA-758-1300000896
For Information, contact: Susan Friendship - Contracts Administrator, (613) 691-3342, email:
Send Orders to: Mitel Business Systems, Inc. State Contract Sales Order Desk, 1146 North Alma School Road, Mesa, AZ 85201 FAX: (703) 904-0568 or
For Warranty Service: Mitel Customer Care Center, (800) 722-1301, or email:
E-Rate SPIN: 143030998
Mitel Contract Agents:
Gibson Teldata, Inc.- Scott A Egan, Director of Business Development, Office-(812) 237-9128 ext. 79128 Fax- (812) 237 9156 email:
KETS Mitel Business Systems Contract Category Discounts off MSRP:
- Telephone System Hardware: 38%
- Auto Attendant/Voicemail: 38%
- Operating System Software: 38%
- Cables/Accessories: 0%
- Installation/Initial configuration: 36.5%
- Training (Technician/System Admin Training): 36.5%
- Maintenance (Hardware) Support: 10%
- Maintenance (Software) Support: 10%
- Telephone Headsets: 38%
- Voice Training (End User) : 36.5%
- Voice Professional Services: 20%
- Voice Accessories: 38%
- Mobility Software: 38%
- Voice End-User Software: 38%
Mitel MA 758 1300000896 KETS Voice Hardware and Services.pdf
Effective Date: 3/1/2013
Expiration Date: 2/28/2020
Final expiration date after possible renewals: 2/28/2021
Mitel Networks, Inc. (formerly known as ShoreTel, Inc.)
Contract # MA-758-1300000894
For Information, contact: Ed Bowen-Account Executive, (512) 551-7132, email: or Jason Taylor, Phone- (512) 551-7279, email-
Send Orders to: Ed Bowen- Account Executive, (512) 551-7132, email:
Go to ShoreTel's KETS Contract Web site for e-quotes & online ordering:
For Warranty Service: This information will be updated as it becomes available
E-Rate SPIN: 143020162
ShoreTel Contract Agents:
Global Business Solutions, Inc., Gaby Batshoun- Office: (859) 491-5900 x103, Cell: (859) 547-5103, email:
Unified Technologies, LLC: Mary Pat Bauman: Office: (502) 855-3631 or (502) 459-9141, email:
Converged Technology Professionals, Joe Rittenhouse (815) 477-1200, email:
KETS Mitel Networks Contract Category Discounts off MSRP:
- Telephone System Hardware: 45%
- Auto Attendant/Voicemail: 45%
- Operating System Software: 45%
- Cables/Accessories: 0%
- Installation/Initial configuration: 0%
- Training (Technician/System Admin Training): 0%
- Maintenance (Hardware) Support: 15%
- Maintenance (Software) Support: Included in hardware support
- Telephone Headsets: 40%
- Voice Training (End User) : No charge for online training
- Voice Professional Services: 0%
- Voice Accessories: 0%
- Mobility Software: 45%
- Voice End-User Software: 45%
ShoreTel MA 758 1300000894 KETS Voice Hardware and Services.pdf
Effective Date: 3/1/2013
Expiration Date: 2/28/2020
Final Expiration date after possible renewals: 2/28/2021