Title III English Learners

Title III - English Learner and Immigrant Students

Published: 6/25/2024 7:59 AM

​​​​​​​​Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the  Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), is officially known as the Language Instruction for English Learner and Immigrant Students Act. Title III is part of legislation enacted to ensure English learners, including immigrant children and youth, develop English proficiency and meet the same academic content and achievement standards that other children are expected to meet. The information contained on this website is based on the federal and state regulations and the Office of Civil Rights program requirements for the education of English learners and immigrant children and youth.

​English Learner and Immigrant Students

English learners (ELs) are those students aged 3-21 whose primary language is a language other than English [See ESSA 8101(20)]. ELs enter Kentucky schools with a variety of language backgrounds, educational experiences, and levels of English proficiency.

Immigrant students are those students aged 3-21 who were not born in any U.S. state (including the 50 states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico) and have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more U.S. states for more than 3 full academic years [See ESSA 3201(5)]. An immigrant student may or may not be an EL student. Whether or not an immigrant student is an EL, activities should be provided to enhance instructional opportunities for them to be successful in classrooms in the United States, as required by ESSA. 

Kentucky English Learner and Title III Programs

A description of EL and Title III program requirements, timelines, and related resources are available in the District Guide for the English Learners Program.

Information related to immigrant and EL data collection, reporting, and monitoring is located on the English Learner and Immigrant Data Collection and Reporting webpage.

Additional information and resources are located on the English Learner and Immigrant Resources webpage. ​​

Title III Program Timeline

  • Second Tuesday in March - KDE will extract English Learner data from Infinite Campus for tentative Title III funding allocations. All English Learner data should be updated and complete in Infinite Campus before the deadline.
  • April - Tentative Title III funding allocations will be uploaded into Grant Management Application and Planning (GMAP).
  • Spring ​-​ Intent to Participate due in GMAP for districts/consortiums.
  • May 1 - June 30 - District Data Verification for English Learner and Immigrant opens. All English Learner and Immigrant data should be updated and complete in Infinite Campus by June 30th.
  • July 1 - KDE will extract English Learner data from Infinite Campus for final Title III funding allocations, SEEK funding allocations, and end-of year reporting.
  • Second Tuesday in October - KDE will extract Immigrant data from Infinite Campus for Immigrant subgrant allocations. All Immigrant data should be updated and complete in Infinite Campus before the deadline.

District Assurances

District assurances, Title III sub grant plans, and budgets are completed in the Grant Management Application and Planning (GMAP) System. The KDE GMAP webpage provides program resources, training videos, and other information to assist districts in completing the required components.


Kaiman Triplett
Office of Continuous Improvement and Support
Division of School and Program Improvement
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-3791 Ext. 4089
Fax (502) 564-8149


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