Social Studies

Laws and Regulations

Published: 2/28/2025 2:30 PM

Civics Literacy Requirement
KRS 158.141(1)​ provides that “[b]eginning with the entering ninth grade class of the 2025-2026 school year, and each year thereafter, graduation requirements for each student in every public high school in Kentucky graduating with a regular diploma shall include successful completion of either: 

(a) A one-half (1/2) credit course in civic literacy that includes instruction in the areas required in subsection (5) of this section; or 

(b) A civics test composed of one hundred (100) questions drawn from those that are set forth within the civics test administered by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to persons seeking to become naturalized citizens.” 

For more information, please visit the Civics Literacy Requirement webpage.

Constitution Day

Pursuant to legislation passed by Congress, educational institutions receiving Federal funding are required to hold an educational program pertaining to the United States Constitution on September 17 of each year. This Congressional initiative is authorized by Section 111 of Division J of Pub. L. 108-447, the ''Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005,'' Dec. 8, 2004; 118 Stat. 2809, 3344-45 (Section 111).

Fundamental American Documents and Speeches

KRS 158.196​ requires the Kentucky Department of Education to incorporate fundamental American documents and speeches into the grade-level appropriate middle and high school social studies academic standards and align corresponding assessments.​

Historical and Cultural Influences of the Bible

Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) KRS 158.197 establishes that the Kentucky Board of Education will create standards for a social studies course that will include:

  • An elective social studies course on the Hebrew Scriptures, Old Testament of the Bible;
  • An elective social studies course on the New Testament of the Bible; or
  • An elective social studies course on the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament of the Bible.
For more information on the Kentucky Academic Standards Historical and Cultural Influences of the Bible Elective Social Studies Course, visit the KDE Historical and Cultural Influences of the Bible webpage

Holocaust and Other Cases of Genocide

In 2018, the Kentucky General Assembly passed House Bill 128 (2018). HB 128 (2018) amended KRS 156.160 to require every public middle and high school’s curriculum to include instruction about the Holocaust and other cases of genocide, as defined by the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, that a court of competent jurisdiction, whether a court in the United States or the International Court of Justice, has determined to have been committed by applying rigorous standards of due process. For more information, visit the Required Instruction of the Holocaust and Other Cases of Genocide​ webpage

Legislative Mandate - Flag Etiquette

The Kentucky General Assembly per KRS 158.175 has required that the Kentucky Department of Education create instructional materials related to the appropriate display of the flag. This webquest was created for teachers to use in response to that legislative mandate.

Veterans Day Programs

Per KRS 158.075, all schools shall observe Veterans Day. This law states the following: On Veterans Day, or one (1) of the five (5) school days preceding Veterans Day, one (1) class or instructional period shall be devoted to the observance of Veterans Day. To develop a Veterans Day program, Kentucky public schools are encouraged to seek advice from the Kentucky Department of Veterans' Affairs and veterans' service organizations, including but not limited to the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. For more information, please visit the Veterans Day Programs resource.

Voti​​ng and Elections

As established in KRS 158.6450 it is essential for all Kentucky students to acquire the knowledge of procedures for voter registration and participation in elections. Instruction in election procedures should be consistent with the goals of responsible citizenship established in KRS 158.6451.

Every secondary school shall provide students in the twelfth grade information on:

(a) how to register to vote;

(b) how to vote in an election using a ballot; and,

(c) how to vote using an absentee ballot.

A school may provide this information through classroom activities, written materials, electronic communication, Internet resources, participation in mock elections and other methods identified by the principal after consulting with teachers.

Resources are available to assist teachers with this legislative requirement: access to downloadable voter registration cards, election ballots and lesson plans. Learning experiences should be designed to align with the Kentucky Academic Standards for Social Stu​dies, the minimum content standards required for all students before graduating Kentucky public high schools.

Please email the social studies team with any questions.

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