Online/Virtual and Remote Learning Program Support

Program Design Toolkit

Published: 3/20/2023 11:50 AM

​This toolkit is designed as a collaborative exercise by district leaders to provide considerations and actionable steps to help you create high-quality online learning experiences for students.​ The information and best practices are aligned to the Kentucky Digital Learning Guidelines, National Standards for Quality Online Programs, existing relevant KDE guidance, and current online, virtual and remote learning programs across the state of Kentucky.​​

The five categories of the toolkit are aligned to the Kentucky Digital Learning Guidelines. Each category identifies considerations to ensure alignment of the program to relevant policies, procedures, and best practice. There are also resources for each category to put all the information at the fingertips of leaders while designing or refining your program. New considerations, action steps, and resources will be added based upon district questions, needs, and relevant updates that occur affecting your program design. Check back frequently and use the contact information at the bottom of the page for questions and assistance. 

Online, Virtual, and Remote Learning Program Toolkit 
Google Slides | PDF | Google Doc

A8 - Full-time Enrolled Online, Virtual, and Remote Learning Program Considerations
Google Doc | PDF


​​Ben Maynard
Office of Education Technology
School Digital Readiness Services
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 892-6328 
Fax (502) 564-1519


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