Online/Virtual and Remote Learning Program Support

​​​​​​Kentucky public school districts have several options under existing laws to offer online or virtual courses to students, either directly through their school or a district-operated program. These options include dual credit courses in partnership with the state’s postsecondary institutions, expanding the range of courses available at local high schools, or full-time virtual course loads. Nearly all of the state’s 172 public school districts provide students with some form of online or virtual learning options. Students enrolled full-time in these programs are held to the same state academic standards and graduation requirements as in-person students and are included in the state accountability system.

More than 60 districts offer specialized, full-time enrollment online or virtual programs. While most programs serve only in-district resident students, some programs accept non-resident students from other districts within the region or across the state, provided they meet the admission criteria. Enrollment processes and deadlines vary by program, so it is important to visit the program’s website or contact them directly for detailed registration information.​

District Resources

​Program Leadership

Online/Virtual Program Toolkit 

A8 Full-Time Enrolled Online, Virtual, and Remote Learning Program Considerations​

A5 Alternative Education Program Virtual Options

Online/Virtual Leadership Network

Kentucky Digital Learning Guidelines

National Standards for Quality Online Learning

Parent/Guardian/Community Resources

​Related Information​


Non-Public​ Schools

For questions or support, email the online/virtual support team​ for assistance.

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