Research and Reports

Research and Reports

Published: 10/16/2024 2:20 PM

The Kentucky School Testing System generates a wealth of data on the performance of schools and districts throughout Kentucky. These data, supplemented by analysis and background information, inform the public on the status of educational reform at all levels. Other reports such as technical manuals and interpretive guides offer information on all of the components of the system and their significance. 

Previous Testing Systems consisted of the K-PREP, The ACT, ACT Explore, ACT Plan, ACT WorkKeys, KOSSA, ASVAB, KYOTE, ACT Compass, Kentucky Core Content Test (KCCT), and more, including nonacademic components. Results from these assessments are available through data sets in Kentucky's School Report Card.

  • Dropout Data

    ​​The dropout rate is the percent of students that drop out of school in grades seven (7) through twelve (12). 

  • Graduation Rate

    Graduation rate is the percentage of students completing the requirements for a Kentucky high school diploma compared to a cohort of students beginning in grade nine. Kentucky uses both a five-year and four-year adjusted cohort rate in accountability. The five-year rate recognizes the persistence of students and educators in completing the requirements for a Kentucky high school diploma.  The cohort is “adjusted” by adding any students who transfer into the cohort and by subtracting any students who transfer out of the cohort to a legitimate educational setting or situation (e.g., transfer to an out-of-state school, enroll in a private school, emigrate to another country, or student death). The Graduation Rate will be reported for all students and all student groups and based on the students’ final enrollment. ​

  • NAEP

    ​​​The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is also known as "the Nation's Report Card".  NAEP has been conducting assessments since 1969 and is the only national assessment of what "America's students know and can do" in various subject areas. NAEP assessments are given at the fourth, eighth, and twelfth grades.​

  • Statewide Testing Program Research Reports

    ​The Department of Education conducts ongoing research on Kentucky’s statewide testing programs. Activities include establishing the validity of the assessment and accountability program. Studies include consistency of student results across multiple measures, the congruence of school scores with documented improvements in instructional practice and the school learning environment, and the potential for all scores to yield fair, consistent, and accurate student performance level and school accountability decisions. 

  • Technical Manuals

    ​​​The purpose of technical manuals is to provide detailed information about test development, scaling, scoring, norming, equating, and validity evidence for a specific assessment. ​

KDE DAC Information
Office of Assessment and Accountability
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4394
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