Research and Reports

Technical Manuals

Published: 1/27/2025 10:48 AM
​​​The purpose of technical manuals is to provide detailed information about test development, scaling, scoring, norming, equating, and validity evidence for a specific assessment. ​
​Some of the technical manuals are created for customized Kentucky assessments and others are based on a national sample of students. 
Technical manuals are available for the following present and past state mandated assessments upon request. Please email KDE DAC Information to request a report older than 2017.

  • K-PREP 2012 through 2016 Reports
  • K-PREP Yearbook 2012 through 2016 Reports

  • Linking K-PREP Reading with the Lexile Framework 2012
  • Linking K-PREP Mathematics with the Quantile Framework 2012

Alternate KSA

Alternate K-Prep

  • Alternate K-PREP 2012

​Other Previous Assessments

  • Commonwealth Accountability Testing System (CATS) 2011
 *Kentucky Performance Rating for Education Progress = K-PREP
​Kevin Hill
Office of Assessment and Accountability
Division of Accountability Data and Analysis
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-9853 Ext. 4712
Fax (502) 564-7749
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