The Department of Education conducts ongoing research on Kentucky’s statewide testing programs. Activities include establishing the validity of the assessment and accountability program. Studies include consistency of student results across multiple measures, the congruence of school scores with documented improvements in instructional practice and the school learning environment, and the potential for all scores to yield fair, consistent, and accurate student performance level and school accountability decisions.
The studies involve third-party checking of the Kentucky Summative Assessments (KSA) and Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessments (AKSA), the current statewide test; Kentucky Career and Technical Education End-of-Program (CTE EOP) Assessments; the Quality of School Climate and Safety (QSCS) Survey; and School Classification Accuracy. The research studies may include comparisons to national administered assessments (e.g. NAEP) and other studies recommended by other Kentucky agencies and the Legislative Research Commission.
These third-party research documents provide much of the evidence needed to assess the validity of the components of the statewide testing program and other requested research on statewide testing.
2024 Reports
2023 Reports
2022 Reports
2021 Reports
2020 Reports
2019 Reports
2018 Reports
2017 Reports
Please email KDE DAC Information to request a copy of an older report.
FR-09-79 KCCT Third-Party Checking 2009.pdf
FR-10-14 Writing Estimate Writing Parameters.pdf
FR-10-36 KCCT Common Core Alignment to State Standards.pdf
FR-10-44 KCCT Alignment Grades 3 4 5.pdf
FR-10-62 KCCT Third-Party Checking 2010.pdf
FR-11-52 ACT Qualitycore Grading Options.pdf
FR-11-65 KCCT Third-Party Checking 2011.pdf
HumRRO 2013-004 Program Review 2011-12 Pilot.pdf
HumRRO 2013-007 Policy EOC and K-PREP Cut Scores.pdf
HumRRO 2013-011 K-PREP 2012 Third-Party Checking.pdf
HumRRO 2013-036 KCCT to K-PREP School Level SES.pdf
HumRRO 2013-037 K-PREP 2012 Student Classification Accuracy.pdf
HumRRO 2013-038 K-PREP ODW Scoring.pdf
HumRRO 2013-055 End-of-Course Cut Scores 2013.pdf
HumRRO 2013-079 K-PREP 2013 Third-Party Checking.pdf
HumRRO 2014 No 024 2013 EOC Student NAPD Classifications Accuracy.pdf
HumRRO 2014 No 075 K-PREP 2014 Third-Party Checking Report.pdf
HumRRO 2014 No 079 School Classification with Program Review 2014.pdf
HumRRO 2015 No 003 Program Review Report_2013_14_final.pdf
HumRRO 2015 No 043 Student Classification K-PREP 2014.pdf
HumRRO 2016 No 025 K-PREP 2015 Third-Party Checking Report.pdf
HumRRO 2016 No 042 An Investigation of the Stability of Kentucky's EOC Assessments.pdf
HumRRO 2017 No 036 K-PREP 2016 Third-Party Checking Report.pdf
LRC-Interim Accountability Testing System - Validation and Research Agenda 91312.pdf
Kevin Hill
Office of Assessment and Accountability
Division of Accountability Data and Analysis
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-9853 Ext. 4712
Fax (502) 564-7749