United We Learn

For Students

Published: 7/29/2022 4:53 PM

​​​​image of high schollo students on graduation day​​​​​​​​

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about United We Learn. Our vision for the future of education is all about you – the students – and how to best prepare you for success in your lives. You are growing up in a globally interconnected world, and one that is accelerating in terms of both competitiveness and possibility. To best prepare you for the future, we need additional focus on our three big ideas:

Creating a more vibrant experience

As students, you know that learning can be a powerful way to spark curiosity, motivation and understanding of how things work. A key part of our effort will be creating more vibrant and personalized education experience​s​, which recognize that each family has a unique story and ensure each of you feels known, supported and challenged to succeed.

Encouraging innovation, particularly with regard to assessments

Finding better ways to do things is a characteristic of all successful organizations. Our schools do a lot of great things, but we want to challenge ourselves to be even better. One example is how your teachers determine how well you are learning the material in your classes. For many years, standardized tests have been the primary way to measure performance. This works well in some areas, but not for everything. In some cases, demonstrating deeper knowledge and problem-solving skills is more important than checking a box. While changing our testing systems requirements won’t happen overnight, we are exploring ways to make our assessments more relevant to real world skills.

Increasing collaboration with your communities

Businesses and organizations in your community can provide real-world learning opportunities that help build important skills, give you a better understanding of possible career paths, and increase relationships with people who can help you succeed throughout your lives. For example, internships, mentorships and partnerships can help you explore your passions and prepare you for successful job opportunities.​​

Students video from KDE Education Summit ​ - Nov. 2021​


Jennifer Ginn
Communications Director
Office of the Commissioner
Division of Communications
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-2000
Fax (502) 564-3049 

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