Kentucky United We Learn Council Newsletter Archives:
AAs the United We Learn initiative progresses, we strive to be transparent with our communication to the full council and the public regarding our ongoing endeavors. These newsletters offer high-level coverage of the council's activities and features introductions to our council members.
July convening recap, two new student members added to the Kentucky United We Learn Council and next steps.
June 2024Spring convening recap, Jim Flynn elected as Kentucky United We Learn Council Vice Chair and timeline of the work introduced.
Local Laboratories of Learning and March Accelerating Innovation Committee meeting recap.
Gearing up for the spring convening and member Edna Schack shares the moonshot with Morehead Public Radio.
Council moonshot established and vibrant learning experiences defined.
End of year reflections from the council chair and vice chair.
Fall convening recap.
August 2023 Wrapping up summer and preparing for the moonshot.
July 2023 Bold New Future Committee preparing a presentation for August board meeting.
June 2023 Six month goals, also known as BHAGS set for each committee.
May 2023 Audrey Gilbert and Sarah Hatton elected as 2023-24 council chair and vice chair.
March 2023 Preparing for the spring convening.
February 2023 Meet the chairs of the council and the committees.
January 2023 Committees established and begin working.