English/Language Arts

Family Literacy Resource Links

Published: 12/7/2023 1:25 PM

This page provides website links related to family literacy.​

Lexile Information for Schools and Families The Lexile® Framework for Reading, commonly referred to as the Lexile Framework, allows teachers, caregivers and students to find books that match the complexity associated with the child's grade level. 

National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) is recognized nationally and internationally as the leader in family literacy. The intergenerational approach pioneered by NCFL has received critical acclaim and has helped hundreds of thousands of families start on a path to success.


The National Head Start Association (NHSA) is a private not-for profit membership organization representing more than 900,000 children, 190,000 staff and 2,500 Head Start programs in America.


Barbara Bush Foundati​on for Family Literacy

Please email the ELA team with any questions.

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