Technology Purchasing and Standards

KETS Contract Information

Published: 2/12/2025 3:24 PM
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The following is a list of KETS and State contracts that are available to be used for technology purchases by the K-12 public Districts and Schools within the Commonwealth of Kentucky.  

Districts are required by 701 KAR 5:110 to procure only those technologies that meet KETS standards, if a standard for that category has been established, regardless of source of funds. 

Specific questions about products, pricing and ordering information should be directed to the appropriate vendor contact.

KETS Contracts


State Contracts ​

All State Agency Master Agreements

​A listing of “All State Agency Master Agreements” is available at eProcurement.  Under Kentucky statutes KRS 45A. 050(3)​,​​ political subdivisions including cities of all classes, counties and school districts may participate in the all state agency Master Agreements to the same extent as agencies of the Commonwealth. 
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