Student Enrollment

School Calendars

Published: 3/3/2025 6:47 AM

​​​​​​​​​School Calendar Requirements

Kentucky school calendar requirements are set in statute and regulation. More information may be found in Section 3 of the Pupil Attendance Manual​.​​​​​​​​​​​

Information on how to amend School Calendars is available in the following document: 

Calendar Setup Guide and Using the Calendar Wizard​​​​

Amending Calendar Guidebook​​​​​​

Summer School Setup​​

School Calendar Template​​​​

2022-2023 Attendance Clerk Training​​​

Make-up Days

The following document shows the last five years of weather days for each district. The report was put together to help districts add the appropriate amount of weather days for the upcoming school calendar for 2024-2025.​

Five Year Weather Trend​​​​​​



To submit school calendars, you will need to login to the KDE application server at Once you login, you can click on the KY School Calendar link. If you do not see the link, please contact the Help Desk to request access.

KDE Field Consultants - Contact for Direct Assistance

New School Calendar Rules Beginning with the 2018-19 School Year
Due to changes in KRS 158.070, effective June 29, 2017, school districts will need to follow several new provisions when planning the Original calendar for 2018-19 as follows:
  1. Beginning with the 2018-19 school year, the superintendent must recommend for approval of the local board a calendar committee, following the committee makeup that is listed in new Section (1) (d). 

    • One (1) school district principal;
    • One (1) school district office administrator other than the superintendent;
    • One (1) member of the local board of education;
    • Two (2) parents of students attending a school in the district;
    • One (1) school district elementary school teacher;
    • One (1) school district middle or high school teacher;
    • Two (2) school district classified employees; and
    • Two (2) community members from the local chamber of commerce, business community, or tourism commission;
  2. Beginning with the 2018-19 school year, a local board may adopt a variable instructional school year calendar with the first student day starting no earlier than the Monday closest to August 26, but student days can be no longer than 420 minutes. The school year shall still meet the 1,062 student instructional hour requirement. (Revised Section 9)

Reminder: Calendar committees are appointed by the local board and are subject to the Open Meeting and Open Records law.​


Annual School Calendar Summaries

2024-2025 Original Calendar Summary

2023-2024 Original Calendar Summary

​​​2023-2024 Amended Calendar Summary

2022-2023 Amended Calendar Summary

Josh Whitlow
Office of Finance and Operation
Division of District Support
300 Sower Blvd, 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
502-564-5279 Ext. 4450

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