The Summer Food Service Program has a new name, and is now called SUN Programs: USDA's Summer Nutrition Programs for Kids! All children ages 1 through 18 are eligible to receive free meals during the summer months at participating program sites. Individuals ages 19-21 who have been identified as having mental or physical disabilities and are following Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) through their current enrollment in educational programs also are eligible for free meals. SUN Meals provides free, nutritious breakfasts, lunches, suppers and snacks (meal service requirements apply) to help children in low-income areas get the nutrition they need to learn, play, and grow throughout the summer months while they are out of school.
By teaming up with local school districts, private non-profit organizations, and government organizations to combat food insecurity during the break, SUN Meals help keep hunger at bay so that children can enjoy their break and return to school in the fall healthy and ready to learn.
You can become a SUN Meals Sponsor!
This summer, schools, YMCAs, military sites, public libraries, parks and recreation centers and other neighborhood organizations will become meal and nutrition hubs to provide free meals along with nutrition education resources, reading activities, recreational activities and more. The Kentucky Department of Education encourages your participation in the program to assist us in providing this valuable service to the children and teens of Kentucky.
To be SUN Meals sponsor, an organization must meet the following requirements:
· Be a qualified organization
· Demonstrate financial viability
· Have administrative capability
· Serve low-income children
· Conduct a non-profit food service
If you are interested in becoming a SUN Meals sponsor or meal serving site, or if you would like more information about the program, please complete the SUN Meals (SFSP) Interest Survey .
The following waivers have been submitted for the operation of SFSP in Kentucky:
- Waiver Request - Pre-Operative Visits
- Waiver Request - Coordinated Services Plan
Health Inspections
For health departments completing health inspections at summer feeding sites please navigate to the Health Inspections Resources page.
For participating sponsors, please access all forms via SponsorNet, file your claim via CNIPS and access current policy memos on the USDA FNS Policy Memos page.
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
Cathy Gallagher
Office of Finance and Operations
Division of School and Community Nutrition
300 Sower Blvd., 5th floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-5625 Ext. 4933
Fax (502) 564-5519