Pupil Transportation

School Bus Driver and School Bus Driver Assistants

Published: 1/14/2025 11:04 AM
​The Pupil Transportation Training Program currently has approximately 8,519 certified public school bus drivers statewide​.
After the initial training provided by a Certified School Bus Driver Training Instructor, all School Bus Drivers must complete an annual eight (8) hour mandatory update training designed and provided by the school district. 

Additional Training Material

The materials listed below can be use​d during the required 8-hour update for School Bus Drivers or for additional refresher training. 

The Kentucky Department of Education has compiled videos and other formats for districts to use in training both School Bus Drivers and students. These videos are taken from various websites. Some websites may require you to sign in to their site. Please feel free to use the content to enhance safety in your districts.​

CDC Tool Kit for Managing Food Allergies in Schools - CDC’s tool kit contains tip sheets, training presentations, and podcasts to help school staff implement the Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in order to prevent and manage severe allergic reactions in schools.

NHSTA School Bus Driver In-Service Training Safety Series - This refresher training provides nine lesson modules on driving a school bus. The intended audience is experienced School Bus Drivers. This is an in-service training program, not a training program for new School Bus Drivers. Adverse Weather Conditions, Driver Attitude, Emergency Evacuation, Highway Rail Grade Crossing, Know your Route, Loading and Unloading, Student Management, Students with Special Needs, Vehicle Training 

Operation Lifesaver Rail Safety (18:00) - This training provides video, handouts, facilitation guide and a quiz game.

Seizure First Aid Training (13:52) - The Epilepsy Foundation of Virginia has created a video approximately 14 minutes long explaining seizures and how to react to a situation.

School Bus Fire Training (12:15) - This video is of a fire department conducting training on a school bus fire. In under a minute, the school bus is engulfed in smoke. In under two minutes, flames are shooting from the top of the bus.

Rear Door Evacuation (2:08) - This video demonstrates a rear door evacuation.

Special Education Bus Evacuation- In Under 1 1/2 Minutes (1:47) - A Special Education school bus emergency evacuation in less than a minute and a half.

School Bus Procedure Video (17:23) - This video is from the Boone County Transportation Department. The video covers School Bus Driver pre-trip check procedures, proper bus evacuations, proper student pick-up procedures and procedures for carrying large items such as musical instruments on the school bus.

ASL Basic Signs for Bus Drivers - Introduction of basic American Sign Language (ASL) signs for School Bus Drivers and School Bus Driver Assistant/Aides.

Steve Lyles
Office of Finance and Operations
Division of District Support
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-3930
Fax (502) 564-6771

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