Safe Schools

Additional Resources

Published: 3/24/2025 3:22 PM

​​This web page offers resources and informational links regarding Safe Schools. This page also will spotlight Safe Schools initiatives within Kentucky schools and districts.

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has released guidance for several bills including, House Bill 142, which requires each local board of education to amend its written policies that prohibit the use of tobacco, alternative nicotine products and vapor products to include the distribution of evidence-based, age-appropriate prevention and cessation materials to all students at the beginning of each school year and access to evidence-based, age-appropriate nicotine prevention and cessation material throughout the school year for all students in the district.  Upon the first behavior incident related to tobacco, alternative nicotine, or vapor products, the student must be referred to the school counselor or other school-based mental health services provider to review the adopted prevention and cessation materials. KDE encourages districts to review the best practices for curbing student substance use, focus on behavioral responses that support evidence-based treatment options, and ensure discipline policies are trauma-informed per KRS 158.4416​​​. KDE has developed a resource for Addressing Substance Use and Vaping in Kentucky Schools. Additional resources include the following: 

​The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe & Supportive Schools​​​ administers, coordinates, and recommends policy for improving the quality and excellence of a variety of programs and activities.

Preventing Drug Use Among Children and Adolescents​​​ is a guide is designed to provide important research-based concepts and information to further efforts to develop and carry out effective drug abuse prevention.

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) and the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling at UK (SERC) are collaborating on Working to Make a Difference for Children who Display Challenging Behavior​​​. The purpose project is to provide a format that allows school personnel, parents,​ and other professionals to gain access to information, to share effective practices, and to receive ongoing consultation and technical assistance concerning the full range of behavior problems and challenges displayed by children and youth in school and community settings, as well as other behavioral issues that may affect their success in school.

The Kentucky Center for School Safety serves as the central point for data analysis, research, and dissemination of information about successful school safety programs, research results, and new programs. This information is broken out into specific reports which can be found at this location. The KCSS website also contains The Emergency Management Resource Guide is designed to be used during the planning stage both at the school and district levels. This guide assists districts in creating, reviewing, or updating their school's emergency and crisis response plan.

The Kentucky Department for Public Health recommends that school districts review best practices provided in the Public Health Law Center's publication Commercial Tobacco-Free K-12 School Model Policy.

Preventing Drug Use Among Children and Adolescents  is a guide is designed to provide important research-based concepts and information to further efforts to develop and carry out effective drug abuse prevention.

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) and the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling at UK (SERC) are collaborating on Working to Make a Difference for Children who Display Challenging Behavior . The purpose project is to provide a format that allows school personnel, parents,  and other professionals to gain access to information, to share effective practices, and to receive ongoing consultation and technical assistance concerning the full range of behavior problems and challenges displayed by children and youth in school and community settings, as well as other behavioral issues that may affect their success in school.

The Kentucky Center for School Safety serves as the central point for data analysis, research, and dissemination of information about successful school safety programs, research results, and new programs. This information is broken out into specific reports which can be found at this location. The KCSS website also contains The Emergency Management Resource Guide is designed to be used during the planning stage both at the school and district levels. This guide assists districts in creating, reviewing, or updating their school's emergency and crisis response plan.

SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) provides leadership and devotes its resources - programs, policies, information and data, contracts and grants - toward helping the nation act on the following knowledge that: behavioral health is essential for health; prevention works; treatment is effective; and people recover from mental and substance use disorders. To accomplish its work, SAMHSA administers a combination of competitive, formula, and block grant programs and data collection activities. The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) is the information service of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP.) NCADI is the world's largest resource for current information and materials concerning substance abuse.​​

​​​​Doug Roberts
Office of Continuous Improvement and Support
Division of Student Success
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4772

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