Safe Schools data is collected and reported via the state's student information system, Infinite Campus. This page provides data standards for data entry of discipline events and resolutions, reporting timeline and requirements.
Data Standards and Guidance Documents
Infinite Campus Safe Schools Data Standards - standards outlining data entry of behavior record in Infinite Campus
Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES) Guidance - guidance on data entry of IAES resolutions in Infinite Campus
In-District Removal Resolution Code Set-up - instructions for mapping local resolution codes to the state resolution code of In-District Removal.
Recording of Weapon Violations in Infinite Campus during Remote Learning - guidance to determine whether or not a weapon viewed during a virtual class constitutes a weapon violation.
Behavior Set-up for PBIS Tracking - This document is designed to provide guidance to districts who participate in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) on setting up Infinite Campus behavior to ensure consistent reporting and filter options through KSIS Data Visualizations – Tableau, Behavior Dashboard and Views.
Training Resources
Safe Schools End of Year Training PowerPoint
Safe Schools Data Standard Webinar Series
Behavior Data Training - Data Entry Example
Safe Schools Annual Statistical Reports
2023-2024 Safe Schools Annual Statistical Report
2022-2023 Safe Schools Annual Statistical Report
2021-2022 Safe Schools Annual Statistical Report
Restraint and Seclusion
Restraint and Seclusion website
KSIS Data Visualizations - Tableau
KDE and Infinite Campus partner Computer Information Concepts collaborated to create visualizations with an initial focus on three areas – demographics, behavior, and attendance. Each area contains various views of the data such as charts, heat maps and spreadsheets. System users can download or print the data for their specific purpose. Visit this webpage for continually updated resources to support use of this powerful tool.
Expulsion Guidance including Carryover Expulsion - This guidance provides instruction for data entry of expulsion with and without services; in addition, to instruction for data entry of an expulsion that carry over to another school, district or calendar year.
Affirmation of Offense or Expulsion Form - per KRS 158.155, when a student who has been adjudicated guilty of an offense or has been expelled from a public or private school in the state of Kentucky relating to homicide, assault, violence, weapons, drugs or alcohol and subsequently requests enrollment in a new school, a sworn statement or affirmation reflecting the charges and any final disposition of the expulsion proceedings must be sent to the receiving school. The form must be sent within five (5) working days from the date the student requests enrollment.